5 hour flight distance route from/to Turkey.
Turkey’s route is the areas where 70 countries are located in this circle. The compass shows all directions east, west, north and south.
There is a productive cycle in the flat.
- 5 continents (Europe, Eurasia, Asia, Africa, Afrasia),
- 5 Seas (Land, White, Red, Caspian, Persian Gulf) and
- With 2 Oceans
an encircled dynamic cockpit view reveals a global and variable course.
Our Export Radar
We are in the center of the markets within a 5-hour flight distance. Daily markets where you can go in the morning and come back in the evening..
Morocco, Sudan, Kazakhstan, England..
Don’t go back..
I made this map 15 years ago.
- 5 kıta (Avrupa, Avrasya, Asya, Afrika, Afrasya),
- 5 Deniz (Kara, Ak, Kızıl, Hazar, Basra Körfezi) ve
- 2 Okyanusla
İhracat Radarımız.
5 saatlik uçuş mesafesindeki pazarların merkezindeyiz. Sabah gidilip akşam dönülebilen günübirlik pazarlar..
Fas, Sudan, Kazakistan, İngiltere..
Döner ha döner..
Bu haritayı 15 yıl önce hazırlamıştım.