When we examine the map of the cultural artifacts of the Turks, we see that the map of Turkey expands towards the Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Crimean Peninsula, Mesopotamia and the Caucasus, and Iran.
Here, there is another area the size of Turkey. We also see areas where we have cultural artifacts in the form of blue beads in areas from Mexico to Sweden, from Sweden to South Africa, from South Africa to East Turkestan and China in other parts of the world.
However, when the areas around Turkey where cultural artifacts are located, which we attach particular importance to, are added, a more than doubled enlarged Turkey map emerges.
So, culturally, Turkey is a much larger structure than political Turkey.
The important thing is to develop projects based on these cultural map data in policy designs.
Türklerin kültür eserleri haritasını incelediğimizde, Türkiye haritasının Balkanlar, Doğu Avrupa, Kırım Yarımadası, Mezopotamya ve Kafkasya, İran yönüne doğru genişlediğini görüyoruz.