Fountains (Çeşmeler)
- Acıçeşme,
- Alman Çeşmesi
- Aynalıçeşme,
- Ayrılık Çeşmesi
- Azapkapı Çeşmesi,
- Çatalçeşme
- Çeşmemeydanı
- Çırçır,
- Çobançeşme,
- Çukurçeşme,
- Gümüşsuyu,
- Horhor
- III Ahmet Çeşmesi,
- Kazlıçeşme
- Kuruçeşme
- Küçüksu Valide Çeşmesi
- Selami Çeşme
- Soğukçeşme
- Söğütlüçeşme
- Tophane Çeşmesi,
- Valideçeşme,
- Zincirlikuyu,
The main large and visible examples of water culture are the square fountains. Some of them are square fountains with public fountains. The most famous of these is the III. Ahmed Sebilli Square Fountain (1728). Another example of a square fountain with a fountain is the Saliha Sultan Fountain (1732) in Azapkapı.
Apart from these, III. Ahmet’s fountains in Üsküdar (1728), Sultan Mahmud I in Tophane Square (1732), Nevşehirli Damat İbrahim Pasha (1732) in Ortaköy Square, Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha (1734) in Kabataş. The fountains bearing the name of Mihrişah Sultan as fountains in front of Küçüksu Pavilion (1806) and Eyüp (1801) are important.
The German Fountain (1901, Architect Schoele) in Sultanahmet is also noteworthy in terms of having a different architecture. The most famous and magnificent of the wall fountains is the Hüseyin Avni Pasha Fountain (1874) in Üsküdar. Sineperver Hatun Fountain in Üsküdar Balaban, Emirgan I. Abdulhamit Fountain (especially important with its inscription, 1783), Beşiktaş Valide (1839) and Galata Bereketzâde (1786), Maçka tetrahedral II. Abdülhamit (1901) fountains are also remarkable examples.
Captain Pasha Fountains, one of the profession fountains group, are an architectural feature unique to Istanbul, as they have sailor motifs on them. Among these, we can mention the Algerian Gazi Hasan Pasha Fountain and the Süleyman Kaptan Fountain, especially in the Kasımpaşa district.
Apart from the inner city fountains mentioned above, we can see the most beautiful examples of fountain types in Istanbul in palaces. In the Tiled Kiosk, Topkapı Palace, Yıldız, and Dolmabahçe, there are fountains from different periods, which are the products of extremely fine workmanship.