The Great Game
The conflict that was played out between England and Russia in Asia as the Great Game in the mid-19th century will take the stage again in the Eurasian continent, this time starting from the second quarter of the 21st century , with the participation of new players such as India and China in the Yalta trio of the USA, Russia and England .
The world that was designed as bipolar at the end of the Second World War is now a multipolar world, parallel to the melting of the ice in the North Pole. England, which prejudicedly believed that it could pull India away from Russia by making Russia and Ukraine fight, was wrong this time.
On the contrary, the ties between Russia and India have been strengthened. During the period when Trump is the US president, the Russia -Ukraine War will probably come to an end. However, in the second big game that is being staged this time, the desired thing is for India , which has not been separated from Russia , to stand with the US and England together with Russia , and for China to be placed on this board, unlike Russia , which is being put on the target board . Because, once again, what they believe with prejudice is that China and India are each other’s fierce enemies.
The aim of England , which staged the Great Game in the 19th century, was to prevent Russia from reaching the warm seas and the Indian Ocean via India . This was achieved, but in the meantime Russia consolidated its dominance and evolved into the Soviet Union, becoming a pole by winning the second war. England , which could not emerge victorious from this war , found the solution in supporting itself on the side of the USA .
On the other hand, the USA , one of the two victorious powers in the war, pulled China to its side in the early 1970s and positioned it in a position against Russia , and to ensure this, China entered into a partnership with China , paving the way for China ‘s economic growth. It seems that the disruption of the Russia-China partnership has cost so much that now it is trying to put China on its target board by pulling Russia to its side .
The US has a very difficult job because they are represented by strong leaders, both China and Russia , and it does not seem possible for them to fall for such a trick. The cost of slowing down China with customs duties and slowing it down will be cost inflation and rising prices due to the high labor costs determined as $15/hour within the US .
Mercantilist practices in foreign trade are an outdated method that is 200 years behind and will be equalized with sanctions and embargoes and retaliation. The West, which could not destroy Russia in the Ukraine War with embargoes , is now threatening all the countries of the world.
The US, which benefits from the consumer desires of the global market with its globalized brands , is now trying to prevent producers in those countries from benefiting from the US by issuing threats. So, with the fall of the Berlin Wall in the nineties, the slogans such as democracy, human rights and the like that used for 35 years are no longer valid, and this time the US has had to show its ugly face.
In the environment where we breathe such a climate of thought, a sharing similar to the Yalta sharing does not seem possible among these five global powers, interests will not be shared. Having lost its competitive power in production, the USA is now trying to artificially exclude competitive prices outside its country from competition by increasing customs duties.
The USA , which advocates free trade in the world and boasts of leading the fall of the Berlin Wall, is now trying to hide behind customs walls by expanding its territory through occupations. We can assume that the USA , which exports coups and wars to the world , may become an importer in the near future; this is an important possibility.
When we look at the issue from Turkey’s perspective, Turkey , which was pushed to the western camp with the agreement between the big three of the time, the USA , England and Russia , and was forced to give up its independent foreign policy in the Yalta sharing, is in a position bordering Russia , China and India , with its dual-core geopolitical location centered on the five seas and including the Turkestan countries through the Turkic States Organization .
Efforts should be made to strengthen the unity of the BRICS founding countries in the face of increasing pressures by developing cooperation between Russia , Turkey , China and India , which is a reflection of the scenario desired by the US and the UK from a reverse angle , and by taking part in solving the problems between Pakistan and India , and between India and China .
The initiative that Turkey will take at the Eurasia/Afrasia intersection by inviting the Turkestan states to the Greater Mediterranean Union initiative will elevate the Second Great Game to a different position.