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DİL Yazıları

1 Ocak 2019 Salı dünyanın en gezgin ve zengin dili Türk lehçe ve ağızlarında ilk on sayı Türk lehçelerinde ve ağızlarında Yeni Yıl Kutlamas... Türkçem-...

Dünyada Türkçe Yeradları

Turkce Yer Adlari: Gunlukbasi | Mustafa Ugurlu -   avrupa türkçe yer adları - Google'da Ara   Türkçe Coğrafi Adlar – Yer adları – Türkisch-Deutsche und Deutsch-Türkische...

Quantum Wisdom. Aphorisms. Prof. İsmail Hakkı AYDIN

"Quantum entanglement" is an inherent nature of nature. An atheist scientist is an atheist only until he understands quantum physics. Artificial intelligence and quantum technologies must...


Levent Ağaoğlu (1958- ) "Power is not in knowledge, but in wisdom. Unprocessed, pure knowledge only makes a person pedant. Knowledge is not a subject...

Wise Leadership

                   "Power is not in knowledge but in wisdom. Unprocessed, pure knowledge only makes one wise. Knowledge...

Turkish Gestures and Behaviours

Turkish culture has its own set of gestures that convey various meanings. Here are some basic gestures commonly observed in Turkish culture: Head Nodding: -...

Atatürk and Republic 100 Celebrations in Ataköy District, Istanbul

IMG_8665 Video IMG_8671 Video Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Turkish Republic, is unique and highly revered among Turkish people for several reasons. Atatürk...

BooksonTurkey is Key for Humanity

                    We’r Turkey W= Wisdom E= Empathy R= Resourceful T = Talent  U = UnexpectedR = Refreshing K = Knowhow  E = EnthusiasticY = Young   All in Turkey...

“Greater Mediterranean” Union (GMU)

On the Great Wall of China, April 1997 Levent Ağaoğlu   From the Great Wall of China to Rumelia I sacrifice to my noble ancestors From the Mediterranean to the...

Indo-Turkish Thesis

Turkic-Indian Languages England made English dominant instead of the 800-year-old Turkish-derived Urdu (Ordu) and Dravitan languages, which were the dominant languages ​​of India. Thanks to...

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