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TURKEY is 12000 years old Civilisation

TURKEY is 12,000 years old Civilisation. TURKEY is 12,000 years old Civilisation. TURKEY is 12,000 years old Civilisation. TURKEY is 12,000 years old Civilisation....

Türk Düşünürler ve Eserleri, Kronolojik. 100 Düşünür 1000 Eser

Kim okurdu kim yazardı Bu düğümü kim çözerdi Koyun kurt ile gezerdi Fikir başka başk olmasa Aşık Veysel AMAÇ/KAPSAM/YÖNTEM Amaç: Olaylar, Kişiler, Fikirler döngüsündeki en değerli zirve basamak olan fikriyat/fikirlerin, kronolojik...

Library of 12 Turkish Sages

When you click on the links, the texts of the works can be accessed. Bilge Tonyukuk Inscription Bilge Khagan Inscription / Kültigin Inscription Farabi: Virtuous State (Medinatü'l Fazila) ...

12 Bilgelerin Bilgelik Kütüphanesi

Linklerin üzerine tıklandığında eserlerin metinlerine ulaşılmaktadır. Bilge Tonyukuk Yazıtı Bilge Kağan Yazıtı/ Kültigin Yazıtı Farabi: Erdemli Devlet (Medinetü'l Fazıla) Maturidi: Kitabüt Tevhid Kaşgarlı Mahmud:...

Booksonturkey Yazıları (2000 adet) / Booksonturkey Articles (2000 entries)

Booksonturkey  27/06/2021 – 15/12/2022 Yazıları (2000 adet) Booksonturkey Articles (2000 entries) Kavram Frekansı     1 turkey 489 2 turkish 467 3 istanbul 200 4 turks 192 5 cultural heritage 131 6 africa 99 7 scholar 83 8 world 67 9 europe 54 10 civilisation 53 11 asia 51 12 fatih 45 13 roman,rome...

Istanbul in 1203 right before Crusaders siege

Constantinople in 1203, right before the Crusaders had laid siege on the Byzantine capital.

Sefer Tepe: A Gobekli Tepe-Inspired, 11,000-Year-Old Site in Turkey | Ancient Architects My last two videos have focused on two of the 12 sites that make up the Tas Tepeler archaeological project in Turkey, 12 sites...

Proclus: A Philosopher born in Istanbul (412-485)

Everything is in everything. Panta en Pasin Everything starts with him and continues to exist with him. Only intelligent souls can experience the happiness of intelligence. To...

Mesopotamian Turkey: 12 more great discoveries like Göbeklitepe are coming… The language of stones will tell the secret of humanity

by Umut Erdem, Hürriyet Newspaper 25.09.2021 After Göbeklitepe in Şanlıurfa, the greatest discovery of the world of archeology, which sheds light on the history of humanity...

Turkish Scholars and their works, Chronological: 100 Scholars + 1000 Books

who read who wrote who read who wrote Who would untie this knot The sheep used to travel with the wolf If the idea is no other The sheep...

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