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World Heritage Sites







Rivers, Lakes

Van is a large natural lake in eastern Turkey. Beyşehir, Salt (Tuz), and Eğridir are lakes in central Turkey.


The contrasts of climate and geography enable the country to produce a great variety of foodstuffs.Winters in eastern Turkey are severe and summers in the south central region are hot





Canyons, Waterfalls





Seas, Beaches, Islands, Peninsulas

To the south and west are the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas respectively, to the north is the black sea. The inland waters of the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmara and the Bosphorus divide Europe from Asia.

Turks have named the sea in the north as Black Sea and the sea in the west as Mediterranean Sea in the west. so these two colors, Black and White, have their deep meanings.


Peninsulas: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_peninsulas_of_Turkey

Islands: https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=islands+in+turkey&safe=strict&client=safari&hl=tr-tr&sxsrf=ALeKk009J9nFsZN8CpqkdjlWW3QPfkKnlg%3A1623487122222&ei=knLEYIOGDZHbkwX9sIiACA&oq=islands+in+turkey&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQywEyBggAEAcQHjIFCAAQywEyBQgAEMsBMgUIABDLATIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB4yBggAEAUQHjoECAAQRzoICAAQBxAeEBM6BAgAEBM6CAgAEA0QHhATOgoIABANEAUQHhATOgoIABAIEA0QHhATOgQIABBDOgIIADoECAAQDVCHMFi0U2CtzQFoAHACeACAAa4BiAGzFJIBBDAuMTmYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp

Beaches: https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=beaches+in+turkey&safe=strict&client=safari&hl=tr-tr&sxsrf=ALeKk01ev2Exq8CLMOjnBVLTxoHb8Hip9g%3A1623487233830&ei=AXPEYMGHMoK73AP-mpvgAg&oq=beaches+in+turkey&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQywEyBQguEMsBMgUIABDLATIFCAAQywEyBAgAEB4yBggAEAUQHjIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB46BAgAEEc6AggAOgYIABAHEB46CAguEMsBEJMCOgQIABATOggIABAHEB4QEzoKCAAQBxAKEB4QEzoICAAQBxAKEB46CggAEAcQBRAeEBNQ55YEWPS5BGCexQRoAHACeACAAZIDiAGJE5IBCDAuMTMuNC0xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp



Mountains, Valleys, Plains, Natural Parks

Turkey is called Asia Minor because the geographical rectangular shape of Turkey looks like Great Asia continent. In western, eastern, southern and northern directions mountain series are intensive and in the middle there are deep steppes. This is the same pattern same picture in Asia minor as well.

Mountains consist also deep philosophy in in Turkish understanding. And then this comes from central Asia high mountains as well and then. Monasteries in the mountains in Turkey and there is Uludağ in Bursw City it was a very religious it is deeply religious meaning.


Noah legend has happened in in the in the mountain in Eastern Mountain this legend has happened in today’s turkey in there in the history.

Cappadocia region in Central Anatolia is famous with your chimneys and then with their underground caves to to protect the first Christian in Centerville thank you so this is a geographical shapes also give way to life to protect the religion of the people.

Fertile plains fringe the coast, mountain ranges separate them from the high Central plateau. 19 Mountains or over 4100 m high; of them Mount Ararat (Ağrı Dağı) is the highest at 5073 meters.

Taurus Mountains

Karacadağ Mountains

Plains: Çukurova, Tarsus, Antep, Diyarbakır, Mardin. Thrace Plain. Konya Plain.

Cukurova in Adana city is more fertile than the plains around Nile river in Egypt.




Kapadokya Vadisi:


Cappadocia Valleys


National Parks:




Roman Law was written in Istanbul.

Roman law; It was written in 3 periods and always in ISTANBUL.

1. The contribution of Justinian (d. 565), which still remains the most influential in Western Europe and elsewhere; Roman Law, which is the basis of private law in modern states today, and the studies carried out to ensure that the private law, which was in force in the Eastern Roman country at that time with the orders of Justinian, but based on the rules and laws that were put forward in very different periods, is applied in all its former pure form as a single order in the entire empire. has been.

As a result of these studies, which started with the order of Justinian I, the legalization movement, the special Roman Law that was applied until that time was collected in a corpus of laws called Corpus Juris Civilis (529-534). It was prepared in 5 years. This work was made possible by the efforts of Tribonianus, who was generally the “Questor” (Roman civil servant who was the head of the Roman central government office like the Court of Accounts).

2. Suleiman I (6 November 1494, Trabzon – 7 September 1566, Zigetvar), the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the 89th Islamic caliph. He is also known as Suleiman the Magnificent in the West and Suleiman the Magnificent in the East, referring to his just administration.

3. Mecelle (1868-1876) was prepared in 8 years; Ahmet Cevdet Pasha

“The most primordial law in the European continent is the Roman law, which was organized and codified by a community of ilmiyye in the city of Constantinople (Istanbul). It is the basis of European laws and is famous and respected everywhere. But it is not like Mecelle-i Ahkam-i Adliyye. There are many differences (between) in their brains. Because it was made by the grace of five or six law-abiding persons. This, on the other hand, has been adopted (taken) from the sharia-i garra, which is divinely appointed (by Allah) by the help of five or six jurists. ” Ahmet Cevdet Pasha

A person from the European legal profession, who this time compared Mecelle with the Roman law and looked at both of them with the eye of a human work (only a human work) said:

‘Laws were made twice in the world through the community of ilmiyye. Both happened in Istanbul. Secondly, due to its arrangement and regularity, and the good manners and connection (good arrangement) of the message (of the matters in it), it is very admirable and superior (superior and preferable) to the former. Even the difference in their brains is a measure (measurement) of how many steps a person has taken in the world of civilization from that century to this century.”

Turkish Philosophers in Edirne (Adrianapolis)

ŞEYH BEDREDDİN 1357-1420 Rumeli Edirne Neighborhood Turkey The Ottoman Sufi, philosopher and kazasker of the Vahdet-i Body school of Sufi-Islamic Sufism dealt with power-verb, matter-spirit duality, God-universe relations in his work Varidat. The thinker, who believes that problems can be avoided with unity of the body, shares his philosophical discourses in his work.

HOCA SINAN PASHA 1440-1486 Rumeli Edirne Turkey Fatih Era Scholars, Pioneer of Divan Prose and Mathematics Scholar. His father is the famous Hızır Bey, who served as the first judge of Istanbul. He is a thinker belonging to the Molla Fanari school and is accepted as the representative of the philosophical theological understanding. In his youth, he was interested in ancient Greek philosophy. He even turned to Sufism after his father, Hızır Bey, was angry because he had a tendency to shift towards septicism for a while.

İBN KEMAL (KEMALPAŞAZADE AHMET ŞEMSETTIN) 1468-1533 Rumeli Edirne Turkey Şeyhülislam, Historian, Religious Scholar Tevarih Ali Osman

CERRAHZADE 1495-1571 Rumeli Edirne Turkey Scholar, Veli

MUHYİ İ GÜLŞENİ 1528-1604 Rumeli Edirne, Menâkıb-ı İbrahim Gülşenî. Muhyî-i Gülşenî. One of the works written by Muhyî-i Gülşenî, one of the important figures of the 16th century and one of the most famous names in our literature-culture life, is the work named Menâkıb-ı İbrahim Gülşenî, which was written at the request of his sheikh Ahmed Hayâlî.

LEVNÎ 1600s-1732 Rumeli Edirne Turkey Ottoman Miniature Artist, Folk Poet, late 17th century, Edirne-1732, Istanbul), real name Abdülcelil Çelebi,

RIZA TEVFİK BÖLÜKBAŞI 1869-1949 Rumeli Svilengrad, Bulgaria Bulgarian Poet, Philosopher and Statesman.

ŞEVKET SÜREYYA AYDEMİR 1897-1976 Rumeli EdirneTurkey Writer, Thinker, Economist, Historian.

ÖMER LÜTFÜ BARKAN 1902-1979 Rumeli Edirne Turkey Economic History

ŞEVKET AZİZ KANSU fifty portraits 1903-1983 Rumeli Edirne Turkey Turkish scientist. Graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1923

Fountain Culture in Istanbul

Fountains (Çeşmeler)

  1. Acıçeşme,
  2. Alman Çeşmesi
  3. Aynalıçeşme,
  4. Ayrılık Çeşmesi
  5. Azapkapı Çeşmesi,
  6. Çatalçeşme
  7. Çeşmemeydanı
  8. Çırçır,
  9. Çobançeşme,
  10. Çukurçeşme,
  11. Gümüşsuyu,
  12. Horhor
  13. III Ahmet Çeşmesi,
  14. Kazlıçeşme
  15. Kuruçeşme
  16. Küçüksu Valide Çeşmesi
  17. Selami Çeşme
  18. Soğukçeşme
  19. Söğütlüçeşme
  20. Tophane Çeşmesi,
  21. Valideçeşme,
  22. Zincirlikuyu,

The main large and visible examples of water culture are the square fountains. Some of them are square fountains with public fountains. The most famous of these is the III. Ahmed Sebilli Square Fountain (1728). Another example of a square fountain with a fountain is the Saliha Sultan Fountain (1732) in Azapkapı.

Apart from these, III. Ahmet’s fountains in Üsküdar (1728), Sultan Mahmud I in Tophane Square (1732), Nevşehirli Damat İbrahim Pasha (1732) in Ortaköy Square, Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha (1734) in Kabataş. The fountains bearing the name of Mihrişah Sultan as fountains in front of Küçüksu Pavilion (1806) and Eyüp (1801) are important.

The German Fountain (1901, Architect Schoele) in Sultanahmet is also noteworthy in terms of having a different architecture. The most famous and magnificent of the wall fountains is the Hüseyin Avni Pasha Fountain (1874) in Üsküdar. Sineperver Hatun Fountain in Üsküdar Balaban, Emirgan I. Abdulhamit Fountain (especially important with its inscription, 1783), Beşiktaş Valide (1839) and Galata Bereketzâde (1786), Maçka tetrahedral II. Abdülhamit (1901) fountains are also remarkable examples.

Captain Pasha Fountains, one of the profession fountains group, are an architectural feature unique to Istanbul, as they have sailor motifs on them. Among these, we can mention the Algerian Gazi Hasan Pasha Fountain and the Süleyman Kaptan Fountain, especially in the Kasımpaşa district.

Apart from the inner city fountains mentioned above, we can see the most beautiful examples of fountain types in Istanbul in palaces. In the Tiled Kiosk, Topkapı Palace, Yıldız, and Dolmabahçe, there are fountains from different periods, which are the products of extremely fine workmanship.

Place names in Turkey containing BOLU (Police)

Gelibolu y.ada – 

Y-450 ????: Xersónêsos [ Yun “yarımada” ]

Gelibolu ilçe – Gelibolu – Çanakkale

1484 ????: Geliboli
Y-454 ????: Kallípolis [ Yun “güzelkent” ]
■ MÖ 6. yy’da Yunan kolonisi olarak kurulduğu rivayet edilir. Adı bazen Kallioúpolis olarak yazıldığı için, adın ilk yarısını oluşturan Kalli- unsurunun Yunan-öncesi bir yer adı olduğu düşünülebilir. SN
■ Âşıkpaşazâde: ”Karasi iline göçer Arap evleri gelmişti. Onları sürdüler. Rumeli’ye geçirdiler. Bir nice zaman Gelibolu bölgesinde oturdular.” Manav

Yağmurca köy – Uzunköprü (Çöpköy bucağı) – Edirne

1946 ????: Kestanbolu / Kastanbolu [ Yun ]
1901h 1909h ????-
■ Rumeli göçmeni (Pomak) yerleşimi
■ Loveč, Bilič, Orjahovo (Rahova) ve Trno köyleri ile Pleven yakınlarındaki Gornik köyünden gelen göçmenlerce kurulmuştur toplamda 340 hâne oldukları bildirilmiştir (2020) Manav

Hayrabolu ilçe – Hayrabolu – Tekirdağ

1484 ????: Xayraboli
Y787 ????: Xariópolis [ Yun “ihsan kenti” ]

Beydağ ilçe – Beydağ (Beydağı bucağı) – İzmir

1946 ????: Beyköy
1467t ????: Balyanbolu
Y535 ????: Palaiópolis [ Yun “eskişehir” ]
■ Eski adı Yunanca Palaiopolis, Türkçede Balyambolu/Balyanbolu’ya dönüşmüştür, Beydağ yeni verilmiş isim. Nezih Aytaçlar
■ © 15.08.1804 Aydın sancağı dahilinde Balyanbolu nahiyesinin Tasahorya ve tevabii karyesi Ankara mirlivasına has olarak Ankara beytülmal mukataasına merbut olduğundan… deyar heyran

Çamlı mah – Marmaris – Muğla

1891s ????: Gelibolu
1525 ????: Gelibolucuk
Y-454 ????: Kallípolis [ Yun “güzelkent” ]

Yazıkent mah – Bozdoğan – Aydın

1911h ????: İnebolu [ Yun ]

Aydınpınar mah – Mudanya – Bursa

Y1922a ????: Mysiópolis
1911h ????: Misebolu [ Yun ? ]
■ 20. yy başında Rum Ortodoks yerleşimi.
■ Mübadele öncesinde Rumlar dışında yalnızca üç hane Tatar vardı. Mübadeleden sonra Giritli Müslüman Rumlar; Selânik, Serez ve Yanya’lı Türkler ile İşkodra’lı Arnavutlar da yerleşmiştir. Günümüzde nispi çoğunluğu Giritliler oluşturmaktadır. metonio

Boludüzü mv – Babadağ – Denizli

Y451 ????: Trapezoúpolis [ Yun “masakent” ]

Bolu mah – Kandıra – Kocaeli

1928 ????: Bollu

Nebioğlu mah – Nallıhan (Beydili bucağı) – Ankara

Eski adı: Nebolu [ Yun neápolis “yenikent” ]

Bolu il – Bolu_m – Bolu

1333 ????: Bolî [ Yun pólis “kent” ]
Y17 Y535 ????Bithynion | Klaudiópolis [ Yun “Claudius kenti” ]
■ Strabon’un Bithynia Honorias ülkesinin başkenti olarak andığı Bithynion kentine Klaudiopolis adı imp. Claudius (MS 41-54) onuruna verilmiş olmalıdır; ancak bu isim 7. yy’dan önceki kayıtlarda görülmez. Belki başka yerdeki Klaudiopolis idari birim unvanı erken Bizans çağında buraya aktarılmıştır. SN
■ 1570 Tarihli tahrir defterine göre 134 Hane Rum yaşıyordu. Daha sonraki sayımlarda Rum cemaati yoktur. 19. Yy’nin ikinci yarısında kente Safranbolu ve Kastamonu’dan gelen 20 aile yerleşti. Utku Oziz

Karabul mah – Gündoğmuş – Antalya

1911hk ????: Karabul
1530t ????: Karabolu
■ Karabolu köyü ile Karaisa arasında Asar mevkii bulunur. SN

Safranbolu ilçe – Safranbolu – Karabük

1928 ????: Zağfiranborlu
1530t ????: Borlî / Borlu
1333 ????: Borlî
■ 20. yy başında kısmen Rum Ortodoks yerleşimi.
■ `Eskiden safran yetiştirildiği için` bu adı aldığına ilişkin yaygın mitolojik görüşü Evliya Çelebi (17. yy) nakleder. Bir olasılıkla Gerede bölgesinin idari adı olan Flaviópolis’in (`Flavius kenti` veya `sarıkent`) Arapça çevirisi olmalıdır. SN
■ Gümüş mahallesinin çoğunluğu Şêxbizin Kürdüdür. metonio
■ Mübadele sonucu, Safranbolulu Ortodoks halkın Yunanistan’da Makedonya’nın Pella ilinde Skydra kasabasına yerleştirilmiştir. Manav

Aşağıçamlı köy – Ulus – Bartın

1928 ????: Bolu aş.

Değirmenlik mah Yalnızcabağ – Mut – Mersin

1914hk ????: Balabolu
E1199 ????: Balabol Պալապօլ [ Yun palaiópolis “eskikent” ]
Y535 ????: Adrasós akk. Adrasón [ AnaD “(tanrı) Adra kenti” ]
■ Köyün sırtındaki dağ halen Adras Dağı olarak anılır. Antik Adrassos kasabası sonraki devirde Rumca `Eskikent` anlamında Palaiopolis olarak adlandırılmış olmalıdır. Halk arasında yaygın olan ‘Balapoğlu’ etimolojisi ibret vericidir. SN
■ Karamanoğulları Devletinin kurucusu Nurettin Sofu Türkmani Beyin türbesi Yalnızbağ köyü Değirmenlik yaylası mevkinde bulunuyor. Yöre halkı Avşar Türkmenlerindendir. Mustafa

İnebolu ilçe – İnebolu – Kastamonu

1487c ????: İneboli
Y610 ????: İnnoúpolis
Y161y ????: İônópolis [ Yun “İon kenti” ]
Y17 Y130 ????Abonouteixos [ Yun “Abonos hisarı” ]
■ 20. yy başında kısmen Rum Ortodoks yerleşimi.
■ 1. yy başında Abónos (Abana) kentine ait bir hisar iken imp. Lucius Verus (161-169) devrinde İonopolis adıyla kendi sikkelerini basan şehir statüsü kazandı. İnebolu adı İonopolis’ten uyarlanmıştır. SN

Celilkırı köy – Çorum_m – Çorum

1925h ????: Boluz

Esenyurt mah – Vezirköprü – Samsun

1928 ????: Mihreboluz [ Yun *Mithrápolis? “Mithra/Mithridatês kenti” ]

Aktepe köy – Tokat_m (Çamlıbel bucağı) – Tokat

1928 ????: Bolus
E1902 ????: Bolis
Y610 Y640 ????Berissa? [ AnaD ]
■ 20. yy başında Ermeni/Rum Ortodoks yerleşimi.
■ 7. yy’dan itibaren piskoposluk (`kaza`) olarak anılan Berissa/Versiaa kenti olmalıdır. 1912’de 300 dolayında Ermeni nüfusu ve Surp Krikor Lusavoriç kilisesi vardı. SN

Güzelyalı mah – Ünye – Ordu

1960 ????: Yüceler
1928 ????: Midrebolu [ Yun Mithrápolis “Mithra (veya Mithridates) kenti” ]
■ 20. yy başında Gürcü yerleşimi.
■ MÖ 2./1. yy’larda Pontus kralı olan Mithridates’lerden biri onuruna adlandırılmış olması muhakkak görünüyor. Mithridatês `(tanrı) Mithra verdi` anlamındadır. SN

Gelibolu mah – Karaköprü (Akziyaret bucağı) – Şanlıurfa

Eski adı: Çokreş [ Kr ]
■ Kürt-Sünni yerleşimi

Derebaşı mah – Tirebolu – Giresun

1916h ????: Gelibolu

Tirebolu ilçe – Tirebolu – Giresun

1515t ????: Direboli / Triboli
Y75 Y130 ????Trípolis [ Yun “üçkent” ]
■ Roma İmp. devrinde idari birim adı olan Tripolis (`üçhisar`), Andoz (bugünkü Espiye yakınında), Bedrama (Örenkaya) ve Ayana (bugünkü Tirebolu) hisarlarını içermekteydi. Bugünkü ilçe merkezinin bulunduğu Ayana mevkii Strabon’un (1. yy) söz ettiği İsxopolis kenti olmalıdır. Ayana Kalesi kasaba merkezinde halen `Saint Jean` adıyla Fransızca tabelalandırılmış olan kaledir. SN

Çeşmeönü mah Beşikdüzü – Beşikdüzü – Trabzon

1928 ????: Yuvabolu
1830 ????: Yavebol
1681 1914h ????Yavabolu | Görele
Y75 ????: Liviópolis [ Yun “Livius/Livia kenti” ]
■ 20. yy başında Çepni yerleşimi. Şimdi Çepni yerleşimi
■ Beşikdüzü bölgesinin fetih öncesi dönemdeki merkezi olan kale, Augustus’un eşi olan imparatoriçe Livia onuruna adlandırılmış olabilir. Köyün Türkçe adı Yobol şeklinde telaffuz edilir. Bir dönem Görele (şimdiki Eynesil) kazası merkezi idi. SN
Kaynak: www.nisanyanmap.com

Adana city in Turkey and India

Adana is a coastal Mediterranean city in the south of Turkey, mountanious on the north and very fertile downwards to the south with 2 actice rivers.

People is very lively.

Main crop is cotton.

Adana is India inside Turkey..