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Legacy of Rome, Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey

Map of Roman Empire Defense Bases 125 AD  The Roman Empire at the time of Hadrian in AD 125. Yellow dots are defense bases. 19 of a...

Roma’nın Mirası, Doğu Akdeniz ve Türkiye

MS 125 Roma İmparatorluğu Savunma Üsleri Haritası  Hadrianus zamanı MS 125 Roma İmparatorluğu. Sarı noktalar savunma üsleridir. Toplam 28 savunma üssünün 19 tanesi Osmanlı Coğrafyasında. Yeşil...

World Mental Health Day 0ctober 10, 2022 The mind, which is mobile in time and in space, is rich. Zeminde ve zamanda hareketli olan zihin zengindir. World Mental Health Day 0ctober 10,...

Triangle of Mind

On the background of the wisdom, it is the fact that Turkey and China were first and single initiators of Neolithic age in the...

Love, Peace and Turkey

The world's first Love Poem   Mankind has been trying to explain the love that has given different definitions for centuries in works of art. The...

IMAGES OF TURKEY Photographies 1975

IMAGES OF TURKEY Photographies 118 black and white photographs from 1974-75 with Turkish and English photo captions in 1974-1975. Let's look at these places from the...

We’r Turkey

Key for Humainty is; We'r Turkey W= Wisdom E= Empathy R= Resourceful T = Talent U = Unexpected R = Refreshing K = Knowhow E = Enthusiastic Y = Young ........................................ W= Wisdom The ornament of the...

Niche Cultural Tours in Turkey

Turkey is top touristic destination in the world and in in 2021 Turkey has been the fourth biggest tourist destinations all over the world. Because...

Turks all over the World

  under STATES *REPUBLIC OF TURKEY :* (Anatolian Turks-Oghuz) Population: 85 million Capital: Ankara *REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN :* (Azeris) Population: 12,000,000 Capital: Baku *REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN :* (Kazaks) Population: 17.400.000 Capital: Astana *REPUBLIC OF TURKMENISTAN :* (Turkmen) Population: 6,000,000 Capital: Ashgabat *REPUBLIC...

Comments on 1974/75 Image of Turkey Photographies by Turkish Scholars

The city where I was born and grew up We can see very well how beautiful our colorful Istanbul was even in black and white...

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