
Türk Çin - search results

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Turkish Textiles

In the pits 1300 to 1600 and I told you was a land of extensive textile manufacturers, exporting its products not only to the...

Turkish Scholar, Prof Ismail Hakki Aydin.

This Is Me As I See Myself   “This Is Me As I See Myself”. EC Neurology 8.3 (2017): 66-69. Ismail Hakki Aydin Ismail Hakki Aydin Yes, I am impatient....

Turkish Political Slogans on the Streets. Istanbul. 1975

Saraçhane Underground Passage Istanbul Justice Party Senator Candidate Faik Türün Slogan on the Road October 11, 1975 Saturday © Copyright photo by Levent Ağaoğlu American dolmuş...

Sun Tzu and Atatürk: Art of War…

Sun Tzu’s Art of War is the number one reference source for business strategies, and strategy is actually a military term. The views of...

First Turkey First Magical Country of the Firsts

FIRST TURKEY FIRST: WISDOM COUNTRY OF THE “FIRSTS” ÇATALHÖYÜK *   The first known human settlement is in Çatalhöyük, Turkey (7 Millenium B.C.). Mesopotamia has long heen considered as the first home of civilization...

Similar Proverbs of Turks and Chinese

1.在牛的底部没有必要看小牛-öküz altında buzağı aranmaz / do not search for a calf under an ox 2.狂吠的狗不会伤害-havlayan köpek ısırmaz./the dog that barks much does not bite. 3.乌鸦在错误的时间公鸡的话就得被杀-vakitsiz öten...

Cultural Exchange Between Turks and Chinese

  By Levent Ağaoğlu, Hong Kong, October 29, 1998 Here I stand, watching the sun, which is about to rise from the East… Just as I...

Turkish Philosophers in Edirne (Adrianapolis)

ŞEYH BEDREDDİN 1357-1420 Rumeli Edirne Neighborhood Turkey The Ottoman Sufi, philosopher and kazasker of the Vahdet-i Body school of Sufi-Islamic Sufism dealt with power-verb,...

Place names in Turkey containing BOLU (Police)

Gelibolu y.ada – — Y-450 ????: Xersónêsos  Gelibolu ilçe – Gelibolu – Çanakkale 1484 ????: Geliboli Y-454 ????: Kallípolis  ■ MÖ 6. yy’da Yunan kolonisi olarak kurulduğu rivayet edilir. Adı bazen Kallioúpolis olarak yazıldığı için, adın ilk yarısını oluşturan Kalli- unsurunun Yunan-öncesi bir yer...

When first time was Turkish state in Anatolia called Turkey? Selçuk Arslan Marco Polo called Anatolia Turcomania. That is Land of Turkmen, because Turks descend from Turkmens. Marco Polo gave the name “Turkey” to entire...

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