
turkestan - search results

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“Asia in Turkey” and “Turkey in Asia”

Asia is no longer "the land of lepers" for us, but we still have a long way to go to get to know it...

Taiwan and Taiwanese

Who are Taiwanese? If we have a communication channel with Taiwan, great. Taiwanese do not have communist ideology. They have been affected by Japan and...

Levent Ağaoğlu’s Questions and Comments at the AVRASYA BIR FOUNDATION-ASAM Conferences

TÜRKIYE:  THE KEY TO HUMANITY ·          CYPRUS ·          ROMAN EMPIRE ·          BİLGE TONYUKUK ·          TURKS&TURKEY ·          TURKEY · HISTORY OF TURKEY  ·          TURKISTAN EARTH FOR HUMANITY ·          AFRICA ·          RUSSIA ·          SOFTWARE ·          INDIA ·          RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR ·          INDIAN WORLD ·          BUSINESS ·          THOUGHT AND PHILOSOPHY ·          CHINESE ·          EDUCATION ·          CINEMA ·          FOOD&AGRICULTURE  ·          INNOVATION ·          KOSOVO ·          BALKANS ·          D8     ************************************************ TÜRKIYE:  THE KEY TO HUMANITY ***************************************************   CYPRUS Cyprus. Abdurrahman Dilipak Conference ...

Cities of Poems in Turkish Language outside Turkey

When we look at the map of Turkish poets outside of Turkey, the concentrations are in the Balkans and Caucasus regions. Within the definition of...

Youtube Videos by Levent Ağaoğlu&BooksOnTurkey   T U R K E Y:  THE KEY FOR HUMANITY ·         ISTANBUL ·         POEMS ·         CYPRUS ·         ROMAN EMPIRE ·         BİLGE TONYUKUK ·         TURKS&TURKEY ·        ...

Cyprus is the Centre of the World

Cyprus Island Ethnic map of Cyprus, 1960 vs 1999 Northern Cyprus TR 13 countries that recognize Taiwan diplomatically "In fact, there are 5 countries that are ready to...

Archaeology of the First Turks by Prof Dr Şevket Dönmez

Abstract: Archaeology of the Early Turks: An Archaeological Perspective on the Homeland Problem of the Turks, Prof Dr Şevket Dönmez   Writing systems Troubled Homeland...

Archaeology of the Proto-Turks by Prof Dr Şevket Dönmez

Şevket DÖNMEZ* Prof. Dr. Şevket Dönmez, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Arkeoloji Bölümü, Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi Anabilim Dalı, Beyazıt 34453 İstanbul, Türkiye. [email protected] Turks are the...

Are there any co-founder texts of the Turkish world?

There are Turkish texts that are reborn and resurrected with new readers every century. A review article on immortal works from Dede Korkut to Manas...

Founding Turkish Thinkers and Philosophers at BooksonTurkey #OğuzKağan #BilgeTonyukuk #BilgeKağan #EbuHanife #Harezmi #Maturidi # Farabi #Biruni #Harakani #İbniSina #KaşgarlıMahmut #YusufHasHacip # NizamülMülk #Gazali #AhmedYesevi #Şeyh Edebali #MevlanaCelaleddin Rumi # HacıBektaşıVeli #YunusEmre...

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