How is thought formed?
- Imagination (utopia) and life.
- How do we think?
- Why do we think differently? Me and we
Power of thought and contemplation.
- Writing.
- Philosophy.
- Math.
- Music
Thought and Connectivity
Pioneer Thinkers
- Turkish thinkers (towards the 1000s).
- European thinkers (1600s)
Thought center: the brain.
- Cell.
- Pain
Thought (science) and religion.
- Where is science running?
- University.
- Genetics.
- Religion. Koran.
- International University of Islam and Technologies
The life story of a thinker
İsmail Hakkı Aydın, from the past to his future.
- From grandfather to grandchild (to all young people).
- Listen to me as well.
Book cover
- How does the brain think?
- Can we get rid of pain with the power of thought?
- How is thought formed?
- What is utopia?
- Will artificial thinking affect humanity?
- What makes us think differently?