who read who wrote
who read who wrote
Who would untie this knot
The sheep used to travel with the wolf
If the idea is no other
The sheep used to travel with the wolf
If the idea is no other
If the idea is no other
Asik Veysel
To determine the chronological course, expedition and adventure of the ideas/ideas, which are the most valuable peak step in the Events, People, Ideas cycle.
After 200 years of stagnation/stagnation (1600-1700), we were about to transition to new times, our New Age, when it finally gave birth to philosophy-science from the Tanzimat period, that is, from the second half of the nineteenth century, to the dreadful sudden, violent and violent strife that emerged in the national cultural heritage in the first quarter of the twentieth century. , deep, rooted, sharp interruption, break, finally; To put it in biology terminology, a mutation has failed the formation we are talking about, which can be beneficial.(Teoman Durali)
With this break;
We are abstracted from our history
We lost our geographies in 100 years (1821-1921).
Thus, our mind became alienated, our personality became schizophrenic.
Bringing together our Idea/Idea Men inventory chronologically will make it easier to clearly monitor our knowledge necessary for our transition to our New Age.
Time (Date) and
Ground (Geography) dimensions
riches of mind
His Excellency (Person)
A database about Turkish Thinkers has been established since June 2015.
There are approximately 800 records of our Thinkers in this database, which has been in existence since the Stone-Scriptures period. A list of 100 people was created from this database and a list of works was compiled from the Wikipedia source. When the list of works is examined, it has been qualified as 1000 Basic Works based on the observation that our thinkers have produced a large number of works.
The works of our thinkers that can be accessed on the internet are brought together in the link below.
Taşköprülüzade Ahmet (born 2 December 1494, Bursa – d. 16 April 1561, Istanbul) is the first historian of science and the first encyclopedia writer of the Ottoman Empire. Taşköprülüzade Ahmet Efendi, one of the Ottoman scholars, wrote the works, one of which was about “sciences” and the other was about “scholars”. The volume dealing with the sciences is called Miftâhü’s-Sa’âde, and the volume dealing with the scholars is called Şakâyık-i Nu’mâniyye.
Şakâyık, which contains the intellectual biographies of 502 scholars during the first ten Ottoman sultans, has been brought into our language from its Arabic original. As a natural extension of his holistic understanding of science, Taşköprülüzâde introduces famous professors, pioneers of Sufism and founding “scientists” in his book by counting them as “ulama”. Many great names with different colors, such as Hacı Bayram Velî, Molla Fenari, Ali Kuşçu, Kemalpaşazâde, Mirim Çelebi, Karaca Ahmet, Zembilli Ali Efendi, Fethullah Şirvani, take their places as travelers of knowledge and ingenuity joining the same caravan.
Katip Çelebi (February 1609, Istanbul – 6 October 1657, Istanbul) was a Turkish-Ottoman scientist and intellectual who studied history, geography, bibliography and biography. The most famous and known work in world science literature; He is known for Keşf ez-zunûn ‘an esâmî al-qutub ve-l-fünûn, which introduced 15,000 books containing the most valuable works of the Islamic world and 10,000 authors (authors) according to the alphabetical index system, and the famous geography encyclopedia Cihannuma, which was later published by İbrahim Müteferrika.
1602 Authors were examined in Bursalı Mehmed Tahir ‘s Ottoman Authors book. 702 of these authors were born in the remnant Ottoman countries outside the territory of the Republic of Turkey. Going from the Ottoman example, approximately 45% of our Thinker/Thought heritage remained outside the territory of the Republic of Turkey.
Starting with Taşköprülüzade, 25 of our thinkers created the Thought and Thinkers Inventory, which includes thousands of our thinkers and their works. Civilization of Contemplation: Basic Resources Examining Our History of Thought
A Selection of the 100 Most Valuable Thinkers and 1000 Works of the aforementioned Civilization Treasure…..
Turkish Thinkers and Their Works, Chronological. 100 Thinkers 1000 Works
OGUZ HAN 234-174 BC Turkistan Mongolia State Administration “More sea, more moray (rivers) / Sun flag, sky kurikan (tent)” Oguz Kagan Epic
THE EPIC OF GADEM KORKUT The first Turkistan Epic The world with progress..as a result of the mortal world Dede Korkut Stories Orhan Şaik Gökyay/The Book of My Dedem Korkud (Hardcover) Orhan Şaik Gökyay
TONYUKUK first 646-724 Turkestan Mongolia Mongolia Inscription (Turkish khan), I myself, Bilge Tunyukuk, (brought) Turkish people to Ötüken land. Tonyukuk Inscription
EBU HANIFE 699-767 Mesopotamia Kufa IRAQ Islam If what I don’t know was under my feet, my head would touch the highest floor of the sky. The Five Works of Imam-i Azam (al-Fiqhu’l-Akbar, al-Fiqhul-Ebsat, al-Alim ve’l-muteallim, er-Risala, al-Vasiyye) from his grandfather, Uzbekistan (Tirmidhi)
MUSA AL-HAREZMI first 780-850 Transoxiana Khiva, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Mathematics, Astronomy Musa Al-Khorezmi “Sultan of the House of Wisdom” His works on mathematics: Al-Kitab’ul Muhtasar fi’l Hesab’il Cebri ve’l Mukabele, Kitab al-Muhtasar fil Hisab al-Hind, El-Mesahat / Works on Astronomy: Zîc-ul Harezmî, Kitab al-Amal bi’l Usturlab, Kitab’ul Ruhname/Works on Geography: Kitab surah al-arz/History: Book of History
IMAM BUHARI first 810-870 Transoxiana Bukhara, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Islam Imam Bukhari “Master of Hadith” Et Tarik al Kebir, Es Sulasiyat, El Edeb al Mufred, Halk-u Ef’ali’l Ibad, Raf’ul-Yedeyn fi’s-Salah, Kitâbu Duafâü’s-Sagîr, Kitâbu’l Künâ, Kitâbu’l-Kiraati Halfe’l-imam, Halku’l-Ef’ali’l-ibâd ve’r-Redd Ale’l Cehmiyye, Al-Akîde or et-Tevhîd, Abaru’s Sifat, Sahih Bukhari
SABİT BİN KURRA first 821-901 Mesopotamia Urfa, Turkey Turkey Islam First anesthesia practitioner. 1) Kitâb-ül-Amel bil-Kurre, 2) Kitâbu Tercemeti ve İhtisâr-il-Macisti lil-Batlemyüs, 3) Kitâbu Tercemet Geographical-il-Ma’mûre li-Arşimet, 4) Kitâbu Şerh-il-Mu’tiyyati Oklidis, 5) Kitabun fî Kat’il-Ustuvâne, 6) Kitabun fil-Mahrût-il-Mukâfî, 7) Kitabun fî Meşâhat-il-Eşkal, 8) Kitabun fil-Mesâil-il-Hendesiyyeti, 9) Risaletun fil-Murabba ‘i ve Kutrihî, 10) Kitabun fî İbtâ-il-Hareketi fil-Felek-il-Bürûc, 11) Kitâb-ı Hisâb-il-Hey’eti, 12) Kitâb-ul-Muhtasar fil-Hendese, 13) Risaletun fî Movement-il-Felek, 14) Kitâb-ul-Medhal allel-Mantık, 15) Kitabun fin-Nabz, 16) Risale fil-Cebr, 17) Kitabun fi Sebebi Kevn-il-Cibâl
IMAM TIRMIZ 824-892 Transoxiana Tirmidhi, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Islam “Tirmidhi’s book is a garden of knowledge” Works such as Tirmidhi Kitab-u’l-Ilel, Kitabu’s-Semâil, Kitabu Esmâi’s-Sahâbe, Kitâbu’l-Esmâ ve’l-Künâ Although he left it, he gained his great fame with his work called al-Cami’u’l-Kebir, also called as-Sünen.
IMAM MATURIDI the first 852-944 Transoxiana, Samarkand, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Islamic Intellectual and Faith Works: In the works written throughout the history of Kalam, a list of all of Maturidi’s works is not included. 1-Kitap et-tawhid, 2-Risâle fi’l-âkaid, 3-Şerh’ül fil-ekber, 4-Reddü evaili’l-edille li’l-Kâ’bî, 5-Reddü tekzîbi’l cedel li’ l-Kâbî, 6-Reddü’l-hamse li’l-Bâhilî, 7-Reddü kitabi’l-imame li ba’dı’r-ravafid, 8-er-Redd ‘ale’l-karamita, 9-Reddü book’ l-Kâ’bî fi va’îdi’l-füssâk, 10-Beyanü vehmi’l Mu’tezile, 11-Kitab el-makâlât, 12-Kitâbu tafsiri’l-esma ve’s-sifat B. Maturidi’s works on method : 1-Me’ahizü’şerai’ fî usûli’l-fiqh, 2-el-Cedel fi usûlil-fiqh, 3-Ed-Dürer fi usû’lid-din, 4-el-Usûl.C. Maturidi’s works on tafsir and Qur’anic sciences: 1-Te’vilatu’l-Kur’an, 2-Risâle fi mâ la yecûzü’l vakfu alaihi fi’l Qur’an D.Maturidi’s work on vasâya and munajat: 1- Vasa and munacaat.
FARABİ first 872-951 Maveraunnehir Farabi (Otrar), Farabi Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Philosophy “Philosophy Course in Maveraunnehir” “Count of Sciences” (İhsa’ül Ulum), “virtuous city” (Madinat al-Fadila)
EBU’L-VEFA ELBUZCANÎ 940 – 998 Khorasan Buzhgan, Iran Iran Mathematics and Astronomy Harezmi significantly improved his discoveries in mathematics and geometry. He especially focused on the relations between geometry and algebra Kitab’ul Kamil, Kitab’un fi Amel-il Mistarati ve’l Pergarvel Gunye, Kitabab ma Yahtacu-İleyh-İl-Küttab vel Ummal min İlm-il-Hisab, Kitabün Fahirün bil Hisab, Kitab’ün fi’l İlmi Hisab’il Musellat, Kitab’ün fi’l Felek, Kitab ‘un Zic-iş Shamil, Kitab’un fi’l Hendese, Kitab’ul Medhal ila Arithmetik, Tafsir-ii Harezmi fi Cebri ve’l Mukabele
EL BIRUNI the first 973-1048 Transoxiana Kas, Khwarezm, Iran Iran Astronomy, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Geography and History El Biruni “A Universal Genius” Al-Âsâr’il-Bakiye an’il-Kurûni’i-Hali-ye, El Biruni -Kanûn’ül-Mes’ûdî, Kitâb’üt-Tahkîk Mâ li’l-Hind, Tahdîd’ü Nihhayati’l-Emâkin li Tas-hîh-i Mesâfet’il-Mesâkin, Kitâbü’l-Cemahir fî Mâ’rifat -i Cevâ-hir, Kitâbü’t-Tefhîm fî Evâili Sıbaâti’t-Tencîm, Kitâbü’s-Saydele fî Medicine
IBN SINA first 980-1037 Transoxiana Bukhara, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Medical Man, Physicist, Writer, Philosopher and Scientist. Ibn-i Sina “The Ruler of Medicine” El-Kanun fi’t-Tıb, (d.s.), 1593, “Law in Medicine”, Kitabu’l-Necat, (d.s), 1593, (“Book of Salvation”) , Risale fi-Ilmi’l-Ahlak, (d.s), 1880, (“Booklet on Morals”), Isarat ve’l-Tembihat, (d.s), 1892, (“Includes Logic, Physics and Metaphysics chapters) It consists of 20 chapters.), Kitabü’ş-Şifa, (d.s.), 1927, (“It is an eleven volume work written on Logic, Mathematics, Physics and Metaphysics.”). Avicenna compiled the philosophical sciences and passed them through the filter of criticism in his corpus of Healing, which was influential enough to overshadow all philosophers before him in the east and west for centuries. Undoubtedly, the most important work of this corpus is metaphysics, which examines existence in terms of being.This work, which is one of the most important sources of high-level metaphysical research until today, has been published in the Fatih Library series together with the text copied for the opinion of Fatih Sultan Mehmed. al-Isârât ve’t-Tenbîhât is one of the last works of Avicenna, one of the most important and influential philosophers of history, written chronologically. Considering the commentaries and annotations on it, it can easily be said that it is the most influential work of the author on the Islamic world. Written in an extremely concise style, the work, whose introduction states the principles and propositions of philosophy will be discussed, starts with the science of logic and continues with physics.al-Isârât ve’t-Tenbîhât is one of the last works of Avicenna, one of the most important and influential philosophers of history, written chronologically. Considering the commentaries and annotations on it, it can easily be said that it is the most influential work of the author on the Islamic world. Written in an extremely concise style, the work, whose introduction states the principles and propositions of philosophy will be discussed, starts with the science of logic and continues with physics.al-Isârât ve’t-Tenbîhât is one of the last works of Avicenna, one of the most important and influential philosophers of history, written chronologically. Considering the commentaries and annotations on it, it can easily be said that it is the author’s most influential work on the Islamic world. Written in a very concise style, the work in which the principles and propositions of philosophy will be discussed in the introduction begins with the science of logic and continues with physics.
KAŞGARLI MAHMUD first 1008-1105 Turkistan Kasgar, East Turkestan Chinese Language Kasgarlı Mahmut “The Uncrowned Ruler of Turkish Language” Divanü Lugati’t Türk(Hardcover)Mahmud El-Kaşgari/Divan Lügat İt Turkish Index Index4Besim Atalay/Divan Lügat İt Atalay/Divanı Lügat Türk Atalay Lügat It Turkish Translation2Besim Atalay/Divan Lügat ItTurk Translation3Besim Atalay
YUSUF HAS HACIB first 1017-1077 Turkistan Balasagun, Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Politics Yusuf Has Hacib “The essence of man is gone, his name remains, look” Kutadgu Bilig Yusuf Has Hacip/Kutadgu Bilig (Hardcover) Yusuf Has Hacip
NİZAMULMULK 1018-1092 Khorasan Tus, Iran Iran Political Name The founder of the country’s regulations
OMER HAYYAM 1048-1131 Khorasan Nishapur, Iran Iran Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy Justice is the soul of the universe. Ziyc-i Melikşahi. (On astronomy and calendar, dedicated to Melikşah), Kitabün fi’l Burhan ül Sıhhat-ı Turuk ül Hind. (On Geometry), Risaletun fi Berahin Il Cebr ve Mukabele. (On algebra and equations), Müşkilat’ül Hisab. (About arithmetic), İlm-i Külliyat (About general principles), Nevruzname (about calendar and New Year’s determination), Risaletun fil İhtiyal li Marifet. (On knowing the amount of gold and silver in an object made of gold and silver. There is a copy in the Gotha library in Germany.), Risaletun fi Şerhi ma Eşkele min Musaderat (There is a copy in the Netherlands Leiden library, on the method of solving a problem of Euclid. F. Woepcke translated into French.), Risaletun fi Body (On the subject of ontology in philosophy.There is a copy in the British library.), Muhtasarun fi’t Tabiyat (About the Science of Physics), Risaletun fi’l Kevn vet Bid (About Philosophy), Levazim’ül Emkine (About climate and weather changes in residential areas), Fil Cevab Selaseti Mesail and fi Keşfil Hijab (Answering three issues and the necessity of contrast in the world), Mizan’ül Hikem (on the method of finding the value of diamond-studded items without removing their stones), Abdurrahman’el Neseviye Cevab (on the wisdom of Allah’s creation of the realms and obliging people to worship) , Nizamülmülk (Biography of his friend, the vizier), Eş’ari bil Arabiyye (Arabic rubai), Fil Mutayat (Principles of Science)Levazim’ül Emkine (on the climate and weather changes of inhabited places), Fil Cevab Selaseti Mesail ve fi Keşfil Hijab (On the answer to three issues and the necessity of contrast in the world), Mizan’ül Hikem (On the method of appreciating diamond items without removing their stones), Abdurrahman ‘el Neseviye Cevab (About the wisdom of Allah’s creation of the worlds and obliging people to worship), Nizamülmülk (Biography of his friend, the vizier), Eş’ari bil Arabiyye (Arabic rubai), Fil Mutayat (Principles of knowledge)Levazim’ül Emkine (on the climate and weather changes of inhabited places), Fil Cevab Selaseti Mesail ve fi Keşfil Hijab (on the answer to three issues and the necessity of contrast in the world), Mizan’ül Hikem (on the method of appreciating diamond items without removing their stones), Abdurrahman ‘el Neseviye Cevab (About the wisdom of Allah Almighty in creating the worlds and obliging people to worship), Nizamülmülk (Biography of his friend, the vizier), Eş’ari bil Arabiyye (Arabic rubai), Fil Mutayat (Principles of knowledge)Nizamülmülk (Biography of his friend, the vizier), Eş’ari bil Arabiyye (Arabic rubai), Fil Mutayat (Principles of science)Nizamülmülk (Biography of his friend, the vizier), Eş’ari bil Arabiyye (Arabic rubai), Fil Mutayat (Principles of science)
GAZZALI 1058-1111 Khorasan Tus, Iran Iran Islam Body is the land of the heart. There are many soldiers of the heart in this country. İhya-u Ulumi’d-din – Gazzâlî’s best known and greatest work. In this book, the subjects of fiqh and mysticism are discussed. It consists of four parts. Since the book was written, it is among the most widely read books in the Islamic world. It has been written in various commentaries on the book., El Münkız mine’d Dalal – In this book, he explains how he reached the truth and criticizes some sects by examining them, Makaasidü’l Felasife – It is his review before criticizing philosophy, El Mustafa – It contains subjects related to Usul-i fiqh, It consists of 4 chapters, Tehafütü’l Felasife – Written to criticize Aristotle’s philosophy, El İktisad fi’l İtikad – The book contains the subjects of faith, Chemistry-i Saadet – contains the subjects of faith and morality.It is a short Persian translation of İhyau Ulumi’d Din. In the first part, it deals with outward worship and morality; in the second part, it deals with the subject of obedience and rebellion of the heart. He then speaks of the beautiful use of eyes, ears, tongue, genitals, hands and feet. In the last part, he tells about the cleansing of the heart from evils such as hypocrisy and arrogance. –Esna fi Şerhi’l-Esmaü’l Hüsna, Makaasid Maznun’ü Bih la Gayri Ehlih, El Veciz, Mizanü’l Amel, Faysal ül-tefrika beyne’l –Islam ve’z-zendeka, İlcam ül-avam an İlm -i Kalam, Al Mustazhiri,Er-Redd ül-cemil Ala Sarih, Kitab ül-erbain, Minhac ül-abidin, Eyyühe’l Veled, Mükâşefetü’l-Kulûb, Nasihatü’l Müluk, Ed-Dürc, Mafsalü’l Hilaf, Hüccetü’l Hak
AHMET YESEVI first 1093-1166 Transoxiana Yesi, Kazakhstan Kazakh Mystic Hodja Ahmet Yesevi “A Star in the Sky of Central Asia” Divan-ı Wisdom is the book containing the poems, very important and the oldest known examples of Turkish Sufi literature/ Akaid is the basic work of Islam/ Written by Fakr-Nâme students and appropriated to him.
NECMEDDIN KÜBRA 1145-1221 Transoxiana, Khiva, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan The Sufi order is like the sea, and the truth is like pearls. Usulu Asere, Risaleilel Haimilhaif, Fevaihulcemal
FAHREDDIN ER-RAZI The first 1149-1210 Iranian Ray, Iran Iranian Religious Scholar, Physicist and Thinker Razi’s most important work is undoubtedly the Qur’an commentary named Mefatih’ul Gayb. The name of the book, also known as Tafsir-i Kebir (Great Tafsir), can be translated into Turkish as Keys of the Unseen. This work is considered one of the pioneering works of the field of tafsir in terms of being systematic. Nesefi wrote a book called Vadıh, which contains the abbreviated version of this tafsir. Risaletun fi’n Nubuwvat, Menâkib-u İmâm-ı Şafiî, Tehzib’ud Delâil, Muhassalu Efkar-il-Mütekaddimîn wal-Müteahhirîn minel-Ulemâ vel-Hükemâ vel-Mütetellimîn, İrşâd-ün-Nüzzaril- Lethar- Lethar Uyûn-ül-Mesâil, El-Mahsûl, El-Burhân, Nilimu Usûl-id-Dîn, Kitâbü Fedâil-is-Sahâbe, Kitâb-ül-Ahlâk, Şerhü Vecîz-lil-Gazâlî, Tehzîb-üd-Delâil, Kitâb-ı Esrâr-ül-Kelâm, Şerhü Nehc-ül-Belâga, Kitâb-ül-Kazâ wal-Kader, Kitâbu Ta’cîz-il-Felâsife,Kitâb-ül-Berâhin-il-Behâiyye, Kitâb-ül-Hamsîn fî Usûl-id-dîn, Kitâb-ül-Hak vel-Ba’s, Kitâbu İsmet-il-Enbiyâ, Risâletun fin-Nübüvvât, Esrâr-ül-Mevedde fî Ba ‘di Suver-il-Kur’an-il-Kerîm, Kitâb-ül-Firâset, Kitâbün-fî Zemm-id-Dünyâ, Kitâb-üz-Zübde, El-Mulehhas, El-Metâlib-ül-Âliyye, Kitâbün fil- Hendese, Kitâb-ül-Câmi’il-Kebir, Kitabün fil-Kabz, Risâletun fin-Nefs, Kitâb-ı Umdet-ün-Nezzâr ve Zînet-ül-Efkâr, Risâletun fit-Tenbîh ala Ba’d, Meâlimü Usûl-id -religion.Risaletun fit-Tenbîh alâ Ba’d, Meâlimü Usûl-id-din.Risaletun fit-Tenbîh alâ Ba’d, Meâlimü Usûl-id-din.
ŞAHABETTIN SUHREVERDI 1153-1191 Iran Sühreverd, Iran, the sheikh of the Iranian Sufi sheikhs Contrary to his short and turbulent life, Sühreverdi’s works are numerous. Some of these have been lost, a few have been printed, and the rest are in manuscript form in libraries in Persia, India, and Turkey. Unlike his predecessors, Ibn Sina and Ghazali, none of his works were translated into Latin, so he was not recognized in the Western world. About fifty of Sühreverdi’s works have reached us in various history and biography books. They can be divided into five classes as follows: 1- Four great doctrinal studies: the first three are about Aristotelian philosophical (perhaps) related, and the last one is about enlightened wisdom, with certain modifications. These works, all in Arabic, are Telvihat, Mukavvemat, Mutarahat and Hikmet el-Israk. 2- Heyakil al-Nur, al-Alvah al-Imadiye, Pertev-Name,Shorter doctrinal treatises such as Itikad al-Hukema al-Lemahat, Yezdan Shinaht, and Bustan al-Kulub. These works, partly in Arabic and partly in Persian, explain the special themes of larger treatises. 3- Navigation stories written in symbolic language and depicting the journeys of mastery and enlightenment of the devotees. These short works, all of which were written in Persian, are Akl-i Surh, Avâz-i Per-i Cebrail, el-Gurbet el-Garbiyye (also in Arabic), Lugat-i Mûrân, risale fi’l-Mirac, Risale fil Halat al- It consists of Tufuliyye, Rûzi ba Cemaat-i Sufiyan and Safir-i Simurg. 4- Initiative texts of philosophers’ works and commentaries and transcriptions of sacred texts, such as the translation of Ibn Sina’s Risale al-Ta’ir into Persian, and the Persian commentary on Ibn Sina’s Isarat and Announcing.In addition, the work called Risale fi Truth al-Ishk, which is based on Ibn Sina’s work called Risale el-Işk and his interpretations on the Qur’an and hadith, is also included in this group. 5- Prayers and dhikrs called el-Varidat ve’l-Takdisat by Şehrezuri. With their Sufi wisdom, these works and their numerous commentaries, which combine the philosophies of Hermetism, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle and Zoroastrianism with some other elements, have formed the essence of the Ishraq tradition for the last seven centuries. The work called Fenn-i Humbara ve Sanâyi’-i Âteş-bâzî, written by a humbara clerk named Mustafâ ibn-i Ibrahim (d. ?), is one of the few important works on humbara and mortar technology in the Ottoman Empire. In the first part of the work, the author gave information about the invention of gunpowder and the Humbaracı Furnace and gave a brief history of the use of firearms.The fact that there are many compositions in the work and that almost every information is explained in detail brings to mind the possibility that the work was prepared for the students of Humbaracı Ocağı. Fenn-i Humbara with the valuable information he gave; It offers the reader the opportunity to see a panorama of the 18th century Ottoman military industry with its pharmaceutical lists, calculations and drawings of various firearms. prof. Dr. Fenn-i Humbara and Sanâyi’-i Âteş-bâzî, which was prepared on the basis of the copy numbered K. 439 in the İBB Atatürk Library, Teachers’ Cevdet section, which was studied by Salim Aydüz and Şamil Çan and is the only known copy, with its informative introduction and transcription of the text of science. It will provide valuable information to the historical field and contribute to a better understanding of the developments in Ottoman war technology. Author: Mustafa b.İbrâhim Edited by: Salim Aydüz – Şamil Çan Publication Year: 2015 Humbara and Firearms Mustafa b. Ibrâhim Ya Fatih Sultan Mehmed Library 27 Hikmetü’l-İşrâk The most important work of Şihâbüddîn es-Sühreverdî (d. 587/1191), the founder of the İşrâkiyye school, is Hikmetü’l-İşrâk. The importance of the book stems from its clear and comprehensive presentation of the principles, methods and characteristics of the Israkiyya school. Therefore, the system established by Sühreverdî took its name from this work.This is due to the fact that he presents his method and characteristics clearly and comprehensively. Therefore, the system established by Sühreverdî took its name from this work.This is due to the fact that he presents his method and characteristics clearly and comprehensively. Therefore, the system established by Sühreverdî took its name from this work.
NASRUDDIN ET TUSI 1201-1274 Khorasan Tus, Iran Iran The Great Islamic Scholar Commentary on Philosophy, Mathematics and Trigonometry for the First Time (basic philosophy book, prepared in 20 years), Zic-i İlhânî (about astronomy), Tecrid-ül- Akâid (the book of kalam), Tezker-i life, Tahrir-i Öklides, Tahrir-ül-Macestî, Esas-ül-iktibas (Book of Logic), Esraf-ül-eşraf, Ahlak-ı Nasırî, Fusul, El-Mesail El- Hayriyat, Bahnâme
MEVLANA 1207-1273 Khorasan Belh, Afghanistan Afghanistan Sufi Mystic Didn’t we love the Creator without seeing? Mesnevî, Grand Divan “Divan-ı Kebir”, Fihi Ma-Fih “Whatever is in it”, Mecalis-i Seb’a, “7 sermons of Mevlana”, Letters “Letters” The most important and most beautiful literary and Mesnevî, which is one of the Sufi works, consists of 6 volumes called the notebook. It is a work written by Hüsameddin Çelebi, sung in the last fifteen years of Mevlânâ’s life, who migrated from the city of Belh where he was born and resided in Konya, one of the central cities of Anatolia, and voiced the truth to all humanity from there. Mesnevî, one of the rare works that has survived to the present day without losing anything of its value since the 13th century when it was said and written, continues to maintain its influence on large masses all over the world today,It continues to be read in various languages. The number of languages it has been translated into and the commentaries made on it show its scope and level of fame. Even today, Mesnevî, who carries the secret of the purpose of creation, resonates in every heart, and moves the minds with the ability to think on the summits of contemplation; One of the oldest manuscripts, which was copied 100 years after the death of Mevlana, Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, Halet Efendi, with the facsimile of the copy registered at 171. Dr. Derya Ors – Prof. Dr. It has been translated and prepared for publication by Hicabi Kırşığı.Mesnevî, who circulates the minds with the ability to think on the summits of contemplation; One of the oldest manuscripts, which was copied 100 years after the death of Mevlana, Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, Halet Efendi, with the facsimile of the copy registered at 171. Dr. Derya Ors – Prof. Dr. It has been translated and prepared for publication by Hicabi Kırşığı.Mesnevî, who circulates the minds with the ability to think on the summits of contemplation; One of the oldest manuscripts, which was copied 100 years after the death of Mevlana, Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, Halet Efendi, with the facsimile of the copy registered at 171. Dr. Derya Ors – Prof. Dr. It has been translated and prepared for publication by Hicabi Kırşığı.
HACI BEKTAŞ VELİ 1209-1271 Khorasan Nishapur, Iran Iranian Sufi “Horasan Saints” Velayet-nâme-i Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli, Makalat – (Arabic), Kitâbu’l-Fevâid, Şerh-i Besmele, Şathiyye, Makâlât-ı Gaybiyye and Kelimât-ı Ayniyye
SADREDDIN KONEVİ 1210-1274 Mesopotamia Malatya, Turkey The transformation of Sufi classical mysticism into a strong intellectual current en-Nusûs fî tahkîki tavri’l-mahsûs (Vahdet-i Vücûd and its Principles), Miftâhu Gaybi’l-Cem ve’l-Wufûd Metaphysics (Tasa) , en-Nefehâtü’l-İlâhiyye (Divine Nefhas), el-Fükûk fî Esrâi Müstenidâti Hikemi’l-Fusûs (The Secrets of Fusûsü’l-Hikem), Şerh-i Hadis-i Erbaîn (Forty Hadith Commentary), al- Mürâselât (Correspondence), İ’câzü’l-beyaân fî te’vîli’i-ümmi’l-Kur’an (Exegesis of Surah Fatiha), Şerhu Esmâillahi’l-Hüsnâ (Esmâ-i Hüsnâ Commentary), Tebsıratü’l- Mübtedî ve Tezkiretü’l-Müntehî (Guide to the Traveler of Knowledge) Sadreddin, who explained the relationship between God and the universe in the history of Sufism, thus the emergence and functioning of existence, with mystical intuition stemming from discovery and inspiration, like his teacher Muhyiddin İbnü’l-Arabî, unlike scientific methods based on reason. Konevi,He interprets existence with the same system and deals with the main issue of the divine science (Metaphysics) with a successful style in his work called Miftâhu’l-Gayb.
YUNUS EMRE 1240-1321 Anadolu Eskişehir, Turkey Turkey Sufi shol rivers of heaven Divan, Risaletü’n – Nushiyye
DAVUD-U KAYSERİ 1260-1350 Anatolia Kayseri Turkey Iranian Sufi, Philosopher and Writer Who Lived During the Establishment Period of the Ottoman State. Dâvûd-i Kayserî Birth Books: Turkish: er-Resail / Şerefüddin Davud b. Mahmud b. Muhammed Davud-i Kayseri, 751/1350 ; arrow. pleasure. Mehmet Bayrakdar, Istanbul: Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, 1997. (Introductory part is in Turkish) / Mukaddemat; Matlau special’l-kelim fi meani fususi’l-hikem / Şerefüddin Davud b. Mahmud b. Muhammed Davud-i Kayseri, 751/1350 ; thk. Turan Koç, Hasan Şahin, Seyfullah Sevim, Kayseri : Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, 1997./ Ledünni Science and Genuine Love, Translated by Mehmet Bayrakdar, Kurtuba Kitap, 2009/Introduction to Mukaddemat-Fususu’l-Hikem, Translated by Turan Koç and Mehmet Çetinkaya , Insan Publications, 2011/Love Wine and Life, Translated by Turan Koç and Mehmet Çetinkaya, Human Publications, 2011/Introduction to Sufism,Translated by Muhammed Bedirhan, Nefes Publishing, 2013/ Philosophy of Vahdet-i Body, Translated by Mehmet Bayrakdar, MÜIF Foundation Publications, 2013/ Arabic: Şerhu Füsü’l-Hikem/Risâletü fî’ilmi’t-Tasavvufi/Şerhu Te’vilâti’l- Basmala bi’s-Sûrâti’n-Nev’iyyeti’l-İnsâniyyeti/Keşfu’l-Hicabi ‘an Kalami Rabbi’l-Erbabi/Risaletu fi Marifeti’l-Mahabbeti’l-Hakikiyyeti/Esasü’l-Vahdaniyyeti ve Menbâ’i 1260 Kayseri Death 1350 Davud-ı Kayseri (d.1351), who was accepted as the first professor and first thinker of the Ottoman Empire, distinguished himself with his acumen in the fields of Sufism, theology and philosophy rather than religious sciences. He is the first thinker to explain the concept of unity of body with a philosophical content in the Ottoman Empire.In addition, the scholar, who had original views on philosophy of nature, reported for the first time that atoms were energetically charged. His work Nihhayatü’lbeyân fi dirayeti’z-zamân has original thoughts on the concepts of time and motion. He criticized Aristotle and Baghdadi and stated that physical time is experimental time. Kayseri, emphasizing the importance of water and the vitality of nature in terms of metaphysics and physics, influenced the Sufis with his commentary on Füsusu’l-Hikem, who wrote the love of God in al-Kasîdetü’l-mîmiyye commentary.Kayseri, emphasizing the importance of water and the vitality of nature in terms of metaphysics and physics, influenced the Sufis with his commentary on Füsusu’l-Hikem, who wrote the love of God in al-Kasîdetü’l-mîmiyye commentary.Kayseri, emphasizing the importance of water and the vitality of nature in terms of metaphysics and physics, also influenced the Sufis with his commentary on Füsusu’l-Hikem, who wrote the love of God in al-Kasîdetü’l-mîmiyye commentary.
VAPSI BAKŞI 13th century Turkestan Turfan (KaoChang) China The name of the work he authored at the end of the thirteenth century is “The Book That Teach the Origin of the Heart”. The book that teaches the origin of the heart, the tradition of wisdom that some Uighur thinkers (Kao-chang or Turfan Uyghurs) who did not adopt the Burkan belief embodied in the translation and copyright works[xii] that they produced, especially in the Tenth and Eleventh centuries, affected the entire Turkish intellectual life. One of the most notable of the sages of the aforementioned period is Vapşı Bakshi. The name of the work he authored, presumably at the end of the thirteenth century, is “The Book That Teaches the Origin of the Heart”. According to him, it is my ‘consciousness’ that informs me about myself and my world. Whatever is going on comes out of consciousness.So being coincides with consciousness. If there is no consciousness, there is no existence. Expressing his merâm in a short, concise, colorful and abundant simile, Vapşı Baksı brings back and connects the subjects of existence, knowledge and morality to a principle: Consciousness. Words in particular, and language in general, are the means of expression of consciousness. Therefore, language is only a means and not an end.
HACI BAYRAMI VELİ 1352-1430 Anadolu Ankara, Turkey Turkey Mystic “We are celebrating two holidays at once!” Hacı Bayram Veli is a sufi who wrote Turkish poems. The number of his poems that have survived until today is four. The poems that we can identify from various sources are musically agile in style. These four poems identified are: İLAHİ, İLAHİ DİKİR, İLAHİ TAKSİM, İLAHİ SAVT
ABDULKADİR EL MERAGİ first 1360-1435 Iranian Azerbaijan, Iranian Iranian Music Scholar Abdülkadir El Meragi “Great Hodja” Câmi ül-Elhan (Compilation of Tunes-1405), Mekâsıd ül-Elhan (Purpose of Tunes-1421), Kenz ül-Elhan (Treasure of Tunes) ), Şerh ül Edvar (Annotation of Musical Modes), Kitab ül-Edvar (Book of Modes)
KADIZADE RUMİ 1364-1436 Anadolu Bursa Turkey Astronomer and Mathematician Muhtasar-ı Fi’l-Hisab (Account Summary): It is on Mathematics/ Risale Fi-isthracı’l-Ceyb Degree-i Vahide: (A Treatise on Obtaining the Sine of a Degree) : In this work, a method has been developed to obtain the Sine value of 1 degree arc./Sharh al-Mulahhas Fi’l-Hey’e: It is a work on astronomy. It is a commentary on Çağmini’s astronomy work el-Mülahhas Fi’l-Hey’e./Eşkal-i Te’sis Commentary: It is a work on geometric premises. It is a commentary on Euclid’s Elements. Reference: Katip Celebi also praises the discovery.
MUHYIDDIN KAFİYECİ 1386-1474 Anadolu İzmir, Bergama Turkey Muhyiddin Kafiyeci (d. 1474) has studies on philosophy of language and meaning, philosophy of existence and knowledge, and methodology of history. Kafiyecî, who spent his life studying and teaching science, has more than a hundred works on various sciences. The most important of these works are as follows: 1- Şerhu Kavâid-ül-kübrâ li İbn-i Hisham, 2-Envâr-üs-se’âde commentary-u Kalimat-iş-şehâde wal-Esmâ-ül-Husnâ, 3-Muhtasar-ül -Mufid fî ilm-it-Tarih, 4-Hâşiyetü alâ şerh-ıl-Hidaye, 5-Telhîs-ül-Câmi’ul-kebir, 6-Risâletün fîl-İstisnâ, 7-Şerhu Tehzîb-ül-mantik wal-kelâm, 8-Temhîd fî şerh-it-Tahmîd, 9-Muhtasar fî ilm-il-irşâd, 10-Et-Teysîr fî ilm-it-tafsîr, 11-Telhîs alâ Tefsîr-il-Beydâvî, 12-Telhîfîsu Şer Concise fî ilm-il-Eser, 14- Hall-ül-Eşkâl fî mebâhis-il-eşkal fil-Hendese, 15-Menazil-ül-ervâh.
AKŞEMSETTİN 1389-1459 Syria Damascus, Syria Islam Conquest’s first Friday prayer Risaletü’n-Nûriye, Hall-I Müşkilât, Makamât-I Evliyâ, Kitabü’t Tıb, Maddetü’l-Hayat, Defi commodity, Nasihatname Akşemseddin
ULUG BEY 1394-1449 Transoxiana Sultaniye, Iran Iran Astronomy Uluğ Bey “Scholar Sitting on the Throne” Uluğ Bey had a madrasah and an observatory built in Samarkand. He gave the management of the observatory to Kadızade Rumi and Cemşid from Bursa. Cemşid died while the observations were started and Kadı Zade died before the observations were finished. All the affairs of the observatory were left to Ali Kuşçu, who was then young. Upon this observation, Uluğ Bey arranged and finished the famous Zeycini. This work, called Zeyç Kürkani or Zeyç Cedit Sultani, has been a work to be used in the east and west for several centuries. Zeyç Kürkani was explained by some people and two of Zeyç’s articles were first published in London in 1650. It has been translated into many of the European languages. In 1839, the original work was published in its original form in 1846, together with the French translations of the tables.One of the original copies of Zeyç Kürkani was brought to Turkey after the Iraq and Iran wars and is still in the Hagia Sophia library. During the rule of Uluğ Bey, as in the time of his father, rather than the conquests, the administration was strengthened and important scientific developments were experienced.
MOLLA LÜTFÜ 1400s Anatolian Tokat Turkey Scholar Works. 1. Ĥâşiye ‘ala Ĥâşiyet’ş-Şerĥi’l-Meŧâli’. An annotation written by Seyyid Şerîf el-Cürcânî for the commentary named Levâmi’u’l-esrâr made by Kutbüddin er-Râzî to Sirâceddin al-Urmevî’s Meŧâli’u’l-envâr on logic, which is Molla Lutfi’s most voluminous work. (Süleymaniye Ktp., Hasan Hüsnü Pasha, nr. 600, 1223). Hodja Sâdeddin Efendi and Kâtib Çelebi said that the explanations and ideas about the subjects in this book were not found in the works of the previous ones (Tâcü’t-tevârih, II, 548; Keşfü’ž-žunûn, II, 1716). 2. Ĥâşiye ‘ala evâ’ili Şerĥi’l-Mevâķif. It is an annotation written on the first position of Cürcânî’s commentary on Adudüddin al-Îcî’s al-Mevâķıf fî ‘ilmi’l-kelâm (Süleymaniye Ktp., Çelebi Abdullah Efendi, nr. 210). 3. es-Seb’u’ş-şidâd. Molla Lutfi, II.In this treatise, in which he wrote down a discussion he had with the scholars in the presence of Bayezid by the order of the sultan, he criticizes some of the ideas that Cürcânî put forward about the “subject” in the annotation written by Kutbüddin er-Razi’s commentary on Meŧâli’u’l-envâr (Süleymaniye Esad, Ktp. Effendi, nr. 3551). The author first objected to Cürcânî on seven issues, and then added two more objections to them; For this reason, there are two different copies of the work in libraries. Taşköprizâde states that Molla Lutfi raised new issues in this work, that even this treatise alone would be enough to prove his superiority and that Molla İzârî, who replied to this, was not successful in his answers (eş-Şeķā’iķ, p. 283).In the refutation written by a scholar contemporary of Molla Lutfi, on the other hand, it is claimed that wrong opinions are attributed to the scholars and the objections made are stolen from the books of other scholars and reference is made to its sources (Risâletü def’i’ş-şübeh ‘an ĥavâşî mebâĥiŝi’l-mevżû’ min ķ ‘ilmi’l-kelâm, Süleymaniye Ktp., Hagia Sophia, nr. 2271). Taşköprizâde evaluated the discussions between Molla Lutfi and Molla İzârî in his work al-Livâ’ü’l-merfû’ fî ĥalli mebâĥiŝi’l-mevżû’ (vr. 39b-42b). 4. Risâle fî taĥķīķi vücûdi’l-vâcib (vücûdi’l-mebde’i’l-evvel) (Süleymaniye Ktp., Yenicami, nr. 1181; Leiden Universiteitsbibliothek, Or., nr. 958). 5. Risale (Kelimât) mut’alliķa bi-ayeti’l-ĥac. A feast day of the author II. 196-199 of Surah Baqara in the presence of Bayezid.It is a treatise that he wrote down the results of the discussion about the verses and dedicated it to the Grand Vizier Ali Pasha (Suleymaniye Ktp., Şehid Ali Pasha, nr. 2844). Molla İzârî (Râgıb Paşa Ktp., nr. 1460), Kıvâmüddin Kāsım b. Rejections were written by Ahmed el-Cemâlî and Müeyyedzâde Abdurrahman Efendi (Keşfü’ž-žunûn, I, 860). 6. Źübdetü’l-belâġa (Süleymaniye Ktp., Fatih, nr. 5130). The treatise (ibid, I, 478), which Kâtib Çelebi referred to as Telħîśü’t-Telħîś, is a summary of Hatîb el-Kazvînî’s Telħîśü’l-Miftâĥ, by Mehmet Sami Benli as Molla Lutfi and Zubdetu’l-Belâga. was published (Istanbul 2003). In some copies, II. The work, which is seen to be dedicated to Şehzade Şehinşah, one of Bayezid’s sons, and in some to Grand Vizier Ali Pasha, is in the Topkapı Palace Museum Library (Ahmed III, nr. 1693, vr.1b-38a) Another copy, registered under the name of Risaletü Mevlânâ Luŧfî min ‘ilmi’l-belâġa and not used in the publication of Benli, was cleared by his son after Molla Lutfi’s execution and dedicated to Şehzade Süleyman (Kanuni). 7. The author’s work on the eloquence of Turkish, whose name is unknown (TSMK, III. Ahmed, nr. 1693, vr. 38b-105a). The book, which was compiled by adhering to the tradition of writing classical Arabic rhetoric in order to teach the science of rhetoric to those who do not know Arabic, was dedicated to Şehzade Süleyman by being cleared by Molla Lutfi’s son and added to an introduction. A master’s study was carried out on the work by Mustafa Aksoy (Molla Lütfi’s Risale-i Mevlânâ Lütfî, 1991, Ege University Institute of Social Sciences). 8. Ĥâşiye ‘ala Şerĥi’l-Miftâĥ (Suleymaniye Ktp., Cârullah Efendi, nr. 1793).It is the annotation of the commentary made by Cürcânî in the third part of Sekkâkî’s Miftâĥu’l-‘ulûm book, which is devoted to the sciences of rhetoric. Hodja Sadeddin Efendi tells Şerĥu’l-Miftâĥ that no better annotation was written than this one until his time (Tâcü’t-tevarih, II, 548). 9. Risâle fîmâ yete’allaķu bi-ĥurûfi’t-teheccî (Leiden Universiteitsbibliothek, Or., nr. 958, vr. 19b-21b). 10. Taż’îfü’l-meźbaĥ. This work, which is not mentioned in the old sources, was first identified by Brockelmann (GAL, II, 306) and introduced by Abdülhak Adnan Adıvar (İlim in Ottoman Turks, pp. 58-59). It deals with a mathematical problem known as the “Delos issue” in the history of science.The work verified by Şerefettin Yaltkaya was published by Adnan Adıvar and Henry Eugenie Corbin with its French translation and an extensive introduction (Molla Lütfi’l-Maktul, La duplication de l’autel [Platon et le problème de Délos], Paris 1940). 11. Risale fi’l-‘ulûmî’ş-şer’iyye ve’l-‘Arabiyye (Risâle fî mevżû’âti’l-‘ulûm). II. In the book submitted to Bayezid, a total of seventy-three sciences were mentioned, twenty-nine of which were related to the Arabic language and forty-four of them related to the religion of Islam, and philosophical, natural and mathematical sciences were not classified. At the end of the work, the author stated that according to the Ahl as-sunnat school, the number of religious sciences given here is in accordance with the hadith that the ummah will be divided into seventy-three sects (Ebû Dâvûd, “Sunnah”, 1; Tirmidhi, “İman”, 18) – hence his Ahl as-sunnat. He draws attention to his belief.The treatise on Damascus by Refîk el-Acem, which is among the sources of later works on this subject, especially Taşköprizâde’s Miftâĥu’s-sa’âde and Kâtib Çelebi’s Keşfü’ž-žunûn, and has nearly twenty copies in Turkish libraries. Based on a copy in , then it was published as a book (Beirut 1994) with its commentary. 12. al-Meŧâlibü’l-ilâhiyye. It was copyrighted to explain some of the closed points of the previous work and was also published by Refîk el-Acem (see bibl.). 13. Harname. Oskar Rescher (Orientalische Miszellen, Orientalische Miszellen,II [Istanbul 1926], p. 40-43) later, Orhan Şaik Gökyay published the whole with the transcripted text and facsimile (see bibl.). In the work, vulgar and obscene expressions were included, but Gökyay showed them with pseudonyms. 14. Translation of al-Feraj ba’de’sh-sidda. Although Mecdî and Kâtib Çelebi say that Molla Lutfi translated the work of Ebû Ali et-Tenûhî called el-Ferec ba’de’ş-şidde into Turkish (Şekāik Translation, p. 300; Keşfü’ž-žunûn, II. , 1263) no copy of the work is known. Şükrü Kurgan claims that a text with this name attributed to Molla Lutfi in some library catalogues does not belong to him (Türk Kültür Belleten, pp. 4-5 [1945], pp. 363-366; for a simplified selection from this translation, see. Bilge Seyidoğlu – Orhan Yavuz, From Difficulty to Ease, From Sorrow to Joy: Selected Stories, Ankara 1990).He is the son of Hızır Bey. He produced works in various branches such as philosophy, rhetoric, logic and humor. In his work called Mevzuatü’l-ulûm, he increased the number of sciences up to sixty. The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip, and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.He produced works in various branches such as philosophy, rhetoric, logic and humor. In his work called Mevzuatü’l-ulûm, he increased the number of sciences up to sixty. The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip, and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.He produced works in various branches such as philosophy, rhetoric, logic and humor. In his work called Mevzuatü’l-ulûm, he increased the number of sciences up to sixty. The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip, and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.He has produced works in various branches such as logic and humor. In his work called Mevzuatü’l-ulûm, he increased the number of sciences up to sixty. The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip, and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.He has produced works in various branches such as logic and humor. In his work called Mevzuatü’l-ulûm, he increased the number of sciences up to sixty. The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed for his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.In his work called Mevzuatü’l-ulûm, he increased the number of sciences up to sixty. The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.In his work called Mevzuatü’l-ulûm, he increased the number of sciences up to sixty. The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed for his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.The thinker, who was influenced by Avicenna in the field of ontology and epistemology, quoted him in his treatise Risale fi Tahkîk-i vücûdi’l-vâcip, and said that the mutakallims did not understand the Islamic philosophers (hükema) correctly, and therefore they objected. These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed because of his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.These works of his are important in terms of philosophical thought. He also has works in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and commentaries on logic and theology. Molla Lütfi, who was executed for his unique style and ideas, was the first disaster suffered in the name of science and thought in the Ottoman Empire.29 es-Sebu’ş-Şidâd, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Matali, Haşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Miftâh, Taz’ He has valuable works in the field of mental sciences such as îfü’l-Mezbah.
ALI KUŞCU 1403-1474 Transoxiana Samarkand, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Astronomy Ali Kuşçu “Great Scholar, Honorable Son” Risale-i fi’l Hey’e (astronomy)/Şerh-i Tici Uluğ Bey (astronomy)/Risale-i fi’l Fethiye (astronomy) , is the Arabic of Risale-i fi’l Hey’e)/Risale fi’l Muhammediye (mathematics, algebra and calculus)/Unkud-üz-Zevahir fi Man-ül-Cevahir (Today Turkish: The Cluster Seen in the Arrangement of Jewels)/Et -Tezkire fî Âlâti’r-RuhâniyyeTakiyyuddîn Râsid mentions this work/El-‘Unkûdu’z-Zevâhir fî Nazmi’l-Cevâhir: (It is a work consisting of an introduction and three parts on the science of Arabic usage) reference: katip çelebi keşfüz He also praises you. He received his mathematics and astronomy knowledge from Uluğ Bey and Kadızâde-i Rumî in Samarkand. He was assigned to organize the program of Semâniye madrasahs together with Molla Hüsrev during the reign of Fatih.In addition to bringing vitality to astronomy and mathematics studies in Istanbul, he also has works in the fields of kalam, fiqh, language and grammar. Annotations have been written in the kalam work named Eş-Şerhü’l-cedîd ale’t-tecrîd
ALI ŞİR NEVAİ 1441-1501 Transoxiana Herat, Afghanistan Afghanistan Literature Ali Şir Nevai “The Poet Who Named a Language” Hazâinü’l Maânî, Garâibü’s-Sağîr, Nevâdirü’ş Şebâb, Bedâyiü’l-Vasat, Fevâidü’l-Kiber, Hayre l-Ebrâr, Ferhat and Şirin, Leyla and Mecnun, Seb’a-i Seyyârem, Sedd-i İskender, Lisanu’t-Tayr, Muhâkemetü’l-Lügateyn, Mecâlisü’n-Nefâis, Mîzânü’l-Evzân, Nesâimü’ l-Mehabbe, Nazmü’l-Cevâhir, Hamsetü’l-Mütehayyirîn, Tühfetü’l Mülûk, Münşeât, Sirâcü’l-Muslimîn, Tarihu’l-Enbiyâ, Mahbûbü’l-Kulûb fi’l-Ahlâk, Seyfü’l- Hadi, Rekabet-u’l-Munadi
PİRİ REİS first 1465-1553 Rumeli Canakkale, Gallipoli Turkey Cartography “What a small world …” Kitab-i Naval, Piri Reis map, Hadikat’ül the Navy, Bilad-ul Aminat, Eşkalname
PİR SULTAN ABDAL 1480-1550 Anatolia Sivas Turkey Poet I have many problems, which one should I stand for Mathematics: Cemâlü’l-Küttâb ve Kemâli’l-Hüssâb, Umdetü’l-Hisâb. History: Mecmuatü’t-Tevârih, Süleymanname, Fetihname-i Karabuğdan, Beyan-i Menazil-i Sefer-ul Irakeyn. Martial arts: Tuhfet-ul Guzat
BABUR SHAH 1483-1530 Turkistan Fergana, Uzbekistan State Administration of Uzbekistan “We have established beautiful, planned and orderly gardens in peaceful and disorderly India” Babur Shah’s most important work is Babürname, which he wrote in Chagatai Turkish. In this work, Babur narrated his whole life from his childhood to the end of his life, telling the places he visited, the people he met, the cultures and the geographies. Babürname, which was translated from Chagatai to Persian during the reign of Akbar Shah, was later translated into many languages, especially Urdu, English, French, Russian and Japanese, and a perfect Turkish translation was published by Rahmeti Arat in 1943-1946. Another work of Babur Shah is the Aruz Risalesi. As the name suggests, it is a work that tells about aruz. There are more than five hundred tellers in the treatise.The copy of the work in Paris Biblioteque Nationale was discovered by Fuad Köprülü. Another copy of the work was copied in Tehran in 1525. Babur Shah also has a masnavi named ‘Mubeyyen Der Fiqh’ belonging to Hanafi fiqh, and a ‘Risâle-i Validiyye’, which was translated into Turkish in verse from the Persian works of Hodja Ahrar on Sufi ethics. Risâle-i Validiyye is a verse translation of Hodja Ubeydullah Ahrar’s Persian Sufi ethics treatise named Validiyye. This work is a work that reveals the mystical aspect of Babur. It is said that after this work consisting of 243 couplets, Babur turned to Sufism.Babur Shah also has a masnavi called ‘Mubeyyen Der Fiqh’ belonging to Hanafi fiqh, and a ‘Risâle-i Validiyye’, which was translated into Turkish in verse from the Persian works of Hodja Ahrar on Sufi ethics. Risâle-i Validiyye is a verse translation of Hodja Ubeydullah Ahrar’s Persian Sufi ethics treatise named Validiyye. This work is a work that reveals the mystical aspect of Babur. It is said that after this work consisting of 243 couplets, Babur turned to Sufism.Babur Shah also has a masnavi named ‘Mubeyyen Der Fiqh’ belonging to Hanafi fiqh, and a ‘Risâle-i Validiyye’, which was translated into Turkish in verse from the Persian works of Hodja Ahrar on Sufi ethics. Risâle-i Validiyye is a verse translation of Hodja Ubeydullah Ahrar’s Persian Sufi ethics treatise named Validiyye. This work is a work that reveals the mystical aspect of Babur. It is said that after this work consisting of 243 couplets, Babur turned to Sufism.
FUZULI 1483-1556 Mesopotamia Karbala, Iraq Iraq Poet Fuzuli “Whatever is love is in the world” Fuzuli’s works, whose works are in Turkish, Arabic and Persian, can be listed as follows: His works in Turkish verse. Divan, Beng ü Bade (Beng ü Bâde); Turkish masnavi with 444 couplets. Leyla ile Mecnun (Dâstân-ı Leylî vü Mecnûn); masnavi of 3 thousand 96 couplets. Risale-i Muammeyat (Risâle-i Muammeyât). Forty Hadith. Water eulogy. Hz. Ali Divan. Şikhayatname (Şikayetname) is in rhymed prose type; After Suleiman the Magnificent’s conquest of Baghdad (1534), he presented odes to the sultan. He was rewarded with a salary of 9 akce in return for the odes liked by the Sultan. When he could not get his salary, he wrote the complaint. The complaint is one of Fuzuli’s most important works. Turkish prose works. Hadikatü’s-Süeda (Hadıkat üs-Süedâ); Prose describing the Karbala incident.Letters (Letter). Persian verse works. Divan. Enis’ül-Kalb (Anis ol-qalb). Heft Cam (sakaname); Persian masnavi with mystic content and 327 couplets. Resale-e Muammeyat (Resale-e Muammeyât). Sehhat o Ma’ruz (Sehhat o Ma’ruz, Sıhhat u Maraz) (medical information). Persian prose works. Rind ü Zahid (Rend va Zahid). Risale-i Enigma. Arabic works: Dîvan (verse). Matlau’l-itikad (prose)
TAŞKÖPRÜLUZADE AHMET first 1494-1561 Anadolu Bursa Turkey The First Historian of Science, The First Encyclopedia Writer ‘An hour of debate is better than a month’s discussion. ” Taşköprülüzade has about 25 works. Some of these are: Şaka’ikü’n-Nu’maniye fi-Ulemai’d-Devletü’l-Osmaniye. Miftâh-üs-Seâde ve Misbâh-üs-Siyade fî Mevduât-ul-Ulûm. Nevâdir-ül-Ahbâr fî Menâkıb-il-Ahyâr. Sharh-ul-Ahlâk al-Adûdiyye. Risaletun fil-Ferâiz. Risaletun fil-Kazai wal-Kader. Al-Jami elephant-Logic. Sharh-i Hadith-i Erbe’in. Risâlet-üş-Şifâ fi Devâ-il-vebâ. Tabakat-ul-Fukahâ. Muhtasarun fi İlm-in-Nahv. Şerh-ul-Cezerî fî İlm-il-Kırâat. He has produced important works in various fields such as tafsir, theology, education, literature and biography. He is one of the authors who best reveals the Ottoman science understanding.In his work called Eş-Şakâiku’n-nu’maniyye fî ulemai’d Devleti’l-Osmâniyye, he wrote down the lives and works of 502 Ottoman scholars who lived from Osman Gazi to the end of the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. At the end of his work, the thinker, who tells about the childhood, youth and maturity periods of his life with his own pen, also gives detailed information about the courses and books he read during his studentship and taught under his professorship.55 This information contains important information about the mentality of that period.55 This information contains important information about the mentality of that period.55 This information contains important information about the mentality of that period.
VANKULU MEHMET EFENDI ( ? – 1592) Anatolian Van Turkey Religious Scholar and Writer Who Lived During the Ottoman State. Mehmed Efendi, who was interested in literature as well as religious sciences, translated Imam Gazali’s Chemistry-ı Saadet into Turkish. But his main known work is Vankulu Lügati, which is a translation of El Cevheri’s ‘El Şihah’. This work is the first book published in Ottoman history and in İbrahim Müteferrika’s printing house. Religious scholar and writer who lived during the Ottoman state. Known as ‘Vankulu’ in relation to his birthplace Van, Mehmed Efendi, I. Süleyman, II. Selim and III. He lived in the times of Murad. He served as a professor, mufti of Rhodes and Manisa, and kadi of Kütahya and Medina. Mehmed Efendi, who was interested in literature as well as religious sciences, translated Imam Gazali’s Chemistry-ı Saadet into Turkish.But his main known work is the Vankulu Lügati, a translation of El Cevheri’s ‘El Şihah’. This work is the first book published in Ottoman history and in İbrahim Müteferrika’s printing house.
KINALIZADE ALI EFENDI 1511-1571 Anatolia Isparta Turkey Moral Philosophy The foundation of the state is love. He was born in Isparta in 916 Hijri (A.D. 1511). He is one of the Turkish moralists. He served as an Anatolian kazasker, dedicating his book to Syrian governor Ali Pasha. He died in Hijri 979 (AD 1571). He is known for his work called Ahlak-ı Alai. His book is the first moral work written in Turkish. In Ahlak-ı Alai, sciences are classified at the beginning, and morality is defined as ‘science of the hulk’. Influenced by Aristotle. Analyzes the concepts of temperament and temperament. The book is in three parts: individual morality, family, state. The book was published in Egypt in 1833, and in 1974 the introduction and the first part were published under the title Moral Alai. He is a thinker who is knowledgeable in almost every subject such as tafsir, fiqh, philosophy, rhetoric and rhetoric. According to Kınalızâde, philosophy (wisdom) is to know things as they deserve and to act as their actions are appropriate.Kınalızâde, who applies to the theoretical and practical distinction of philosophy in accordance with the tradition, calls the science that speaks of beings independent of power and will as “theoretical (theoretical) wisdom”. Kınalızâde’s annotations belonging to Tajrîd, Mevâkıf and Gurre, his order of Hidaye, Risale fi’l-hikmet, Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-ervâh, Hâşiye alâ Mutavvel, Risalei Vücûd’ Ahlâşiye, Hâşiye He has important works on philosophy and theology such as Alai.
TAKYUDDIN 1521-1585 Syria Damascus, Syria Syria Hezarfen. He is an astronomer, astronomer, engineer, and mathematician. As one of the versatile scientists and thinkers who grew up in the Ottoman period, he produced various works on mathematics, astronomy, physics, optics, mechanics and medicine. The Istanbul Observatory, which he carried out with the belief that the old zîcs no longer meet the need and that a new observatory is needed, has come to a level to compete with the observatory established by Tycho Brahe, which he equipped some with the observatory instruments he invented. Takyuddin, who is considered to be the most important engineer raised by the Ottomans, produced mechanical clocks, levers, tools for drawing water from lakes and wells, etc. He designed them and explained them in detail in his works. Sidretü Müntehe’l-efkar fi melequti’l-feleki’d-devâr Reyhânetü’r-rûh fi official’sâat alâ müsteve’s-sütûh,Cerîdetü’d-dürer and harîdetü’l-fiker, ed-Dürrü’n-nazîm fi reshîli’t-takvîm, Dekâiku izlafi’l-ufkayn, Risâle fi marifeti’l-ufki’l-hadîs, Risâle fi evkâti’l He has important works such as -ibâdât.8 Takiyyüddin collected his observations in various works. Some of those; 1) Et-Turuk-us-Seniyye: It is his first work and it is about mechanical and water engineering. 2) Ziyc-i Şehinşahiyye with El-alat-ür-Rasadiyye: It is a work that introduces the instruments found in the Istanbul observatory. It was written in the name of Sultan Murad III. In the work, nine observation instruments are described. He made and used some of these tools himself for the first time. 3) Cedavil-ür-Resadiyya: It is composed of tables written as a result of astronomical observations. The work has not been completed. 4) Sidret-ül-Müntehal Efkar fi Melekut-il-Felek-id-Devvar: It is a work in which he collected special observations. Work,It is one of the most important books written in the field of astronomy. Takiyyüddin Rasıd presented original studies on trigonometry in this work. Especially in his studies on beams, he succeeded in calculating beam 1° or 2° in three ways and by establishing a third-degree equation. He also focused on the sinuses of the same work and, unlike Copernicus (Korepnik), gave the definitions of sine, cosine, secand and cosecand, extracted the formulas of sin (AB), sin (A+B), sin A/2 and sin 1°’. made the account. 5) Risaletü Rub’-ul-Ceyb: It is related to the description and usage of the instrument called Rubutahtası, which is related to time determination, determination and calculation of prayer times, Hijri months and qibla. It is prepared as a verse. 6) Tercüman-ül-Etıbba and Lisan-ül-Elibba: It is a pharmacological dictionary,It is proof that Takiyyüddin Rasıd was also interested in medicine and carried out studies in this field. This work, which gives information about drugs, consists of sixty pages. 7) Gunyet-ut-Tullab minel-Hisab. 8) El-Müzvelet-iş-Şimaliyye li-Fadli Dairi Horizon Kostantiniyye: It is related to sundials, Rubuwood. 9) His group Shams Sebebühu and Teahhuru: Related to astronomy. 10) Ziyc-i Cedid-i Sa’deddin 11) Düstur-ut-Tercih li Kavaid-it-Testiğ. 12) Reyhanet-ür-Ruh fir-Rusm-is-Sa’ati ala Musteve-üs-Sutuh: It is related to the projection method.10) Ziyc-i Cedid-i Sa’deddin 11) Düstur-ut-Tercih li Kavaid-it-Testiğ. 12) Reyhanet-ür-Ruh fir-Rusm-is-Sa’ati ala Musteve-üs-Sutuh: It is related to the projection method.10) Ziyc-i Cedid-i Sa’deddin 11) Düstur-ut-Tercih li Kavaid-it-Testiğ. 12) Reyhanet-ür-Ruh fir-Rusm-is-Sa’ati ala Musteve-üs-Sutuh: It is related to the projection method.
GELİBOLULU MUSTAFA ALI 1541-1600 Rumeli Çanakkale, Gallipoli Turkey Poet, Writer and Historian. 1580 – The destruction of the Istanbul Observatory by shelling by the navy (January 22) Date: Künhü’l-Ahbâr. Menâkıb-ı Hünerverân. Halatu’l-Kahire mine’l-Âdâti’z-Zahire. Fusûlü’l-Hallü ve’l-Akd fî Usûli’l-Harcı ve’n-Nakd. Nusretname. Fursatname. Nâdirü’l-Mehârib. Heft-Assembly. Zübdetü’t-Tawârih. Mirkat al-Jihad. Câmiü’l-Buhûr der-Mecalis-i Sûr. Literary: Divan. Persian Divan. Mihr u Mah. Mihr u Vefa. Tuhfetü’l Usşâk. Riyâzu’s-Sâlikin. Sociology: Nushatü’s-Selâtin. Mevâidü’n-Nefâis fî Kavâidi’l-Mecalis. Mehâsinü’l-Âdâb. Hülâsatü’l-Ahval der-Letâif-i Mevâiz-i Sahîh-i Hâl. Tuhfetü’s-Sulehâ. Other: Nevâdirü’l-Hikem. Hakayiku’l-Ekali. Menşeü’l-İnşâ. Munshaat. Advice to the Sultan Mustafa Ali (d. 1600) from Gallipoli, one of the last scholars of the 16th century,He is one of the prominent thinkers in the fields of Sufism and political philosophy, especially with his works on reform studies. Künhü’l-ahbâr is his most important work on history. Nushatü’s-selatin is one of his works in the style of Mehâsinü’l-âdâb politics. He has works such as Mevâidü’n-nefâis fi kavâidi’l-mecâlis, Nusretnâme, Hilyetü’l-rical, Nevâdirü’l-hikem.91 Activities in the science of kalam in the Ottoman Empire after the sixteenth century Kemaleddin Beyâzî (d. d.1791), although it seems to have paused in the context of mental and philosophical sciences, in addition to reformist thinkers such as Hasan Kâfî (d.1616), Koçi Bey (17th century), Kâtip Çelebi (d.1658)92, his understanding and philosophy It continued with other thinkers who kept it alive and systematized.Künhü’l-ahbâr is his most important work on history. Nushatü’s-selatin is one of his works in the style of Mehâsinü’l-âdâb politics. He has works such as Mevâidü’n-nefâis fi kavâidi’l-mecâlis, Nusretnâme, Hilyetü’l-rical, Nevâdirü’l-hikem.91 Activities in the science of kalam in the Ottoman Empire after the sixteenth century Kemaleddin Beyâzî (d. d.1791), although it seems to have paused in the context of mental and philosophical sciences, in addition to reformist thinkers such as Hasan Kâfî (d.1616), Koçi Bey (17th century), Kâtip Çelebi (d.1658)92, his understanding and philosophy It continued with other thinkers who kept it alive and systematized.Künhü’l-ahbâr is his most important work on history. Nushatü’s-selatin is one of his works in the style of Mehâsinü’l-âdâb politics. He has works such as Mevâidü’n-nefâis fi kavâidi’l-mecâlis, Nusretnâme, Hilyetü’l-rical, Nevâdirü’l-hikem.91 Activities in the science of kalam in the Ottoman Empire after the sixteenth century Kemaleddin Beyâzî (d. d.1791), although it seems to have paused in the context of mental and philosophical sciences, in addition to reformist thinkers such as Hasan Kâfî (d.1616), Koçi Bey (17th century), Kâtip Çelebi (d.1658)92, his understanding and philosophy It continued with other thinkers who kept it alive and systematized.He has works such as Nevâdirü’l-hikem.91 After the sixteenth century, while the activities in the science of kalam in the Ottoman Empire continued with such scholars as Kemaleddin Beyâzî (d.1687) and Gelenbevî (d.1791), Hasan Kafî (d. In addition to reformist thinkers such as d.1616), Koçi Bey (17th century), Kâtip Çelebi (d.1658)92, he continued with other thinkers who kept the understanding and philosophy of Sufism alive and systematized.He has works such as Nevâdirü’l-hikem.91 After the sixteenth century, while the activities in the science of kalam in the Ottoman Empire continued with such scholars as Kemaleddin Beyâzî (d.1687) and Gelenbevî (d.1791), Hasan Kafî (d. In addition to reformist thinkers such as d.1616), Koçi Bey (17th century), Kâtip Çelebi (d.1658)92, he continued with other thinkers who kept the understanding and philosophy of Sufism alive and systematized.
KATIP CELEBI first 1609-1657 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Bibliography first Western Works. Geography: Levâmiu’n-nur fi zulmeti Atlas Minur, Müntehab-ı Bahriye (Kitab-ı Bahriye), Cihannüma. History: Fezleket akvâl el-ahyâr fi ilmi al-târîh ve al-ahbâr Arabic Fezleke: A historical work consisting of an introduction, three procedures and an afterword. The beginning of beings, which were written using 1,300 manuscript sources that are not in our possession, is a history book that can be summarized as the history of prophets and rulers. Turkish Fezleke. Tuhfet al-kibâr fi Esfari al-Bihâr. Takvîmü’t-Tevârîh: It contains a chronological explanation of the events that took place until 1648. printed in Arabic and Persian; It has been translated into Italian, Latin and French. Translation of Tarîh-i Frengi. Translation of Revnaku’s-saltana (Târîh-i Kostantiniyye ve Kayâsire). Düstûr-ûl-amel lî islâhil-l halal.İrşâd-ûl-hayâfâ to târîh-ûl-Yunân ver-Rûm. Biography: Keşf ul-zunûn an asāmi al-qutub wa al-funun: It is a big biography encyclopedia, which introduces nearly 15,000 books and nearly 10,000 authors, written in Arabic. Published in Egypt, Germany, Istanbul. It has been translated into Latin and French. Sullam al-vusul to katat al-fuhûl. Câmi el-Mutûn min Cüll el-Fünûn. Religion: Mîzân-ül-Hakk fi ikhyar-il-ehak. Ilham al-Mukaddes Min Feyz al-Akdes. Social, cultural and folklore: Tuhfetü al-ahyâr fi el-hikam ve al-ash’âr. Dürer-i müntesira vel gurer-i müntesira. Recmü’r-râcim bi’s-sîn and al-Cim. Commentary on Beyzavi’s Tafsir. Commentary on Muhammadiyya. Code. Tobacco TreatiseIt is in the nature of a large biography encyclopedia that introduces nearly 000 authors. Published in Egypt, Germany, Istanbul. It has been translated into Latin and French. Sullam al-vusul to katat al-fuhûl. Câmi el-Mutûn min Cüll el-Fünûn. Religion: Mîzân-ül-Hakk fi ikhyar-il-ehak. Ilham al-Mukaddes Min Feyz al-Akdes. Social, cultural and folklore: Tuhfetü al-ahyâr fi el-hikam ve al-ash’âr. Dürer-i müntesira vel gurer-i müntesira. Recmü’r-râcim bi’s-sîn and al-Cim. Commentary on Beyzavi’s Tafsir. Commentary on Muhammadiyya. Code. Tobacco TreatiseIt is in the nature of a large biography encyclopedia that introduces nearly 000 authors. Published in Egypt, Germany, Istanbul. It has been translated into Latin and French. Sullam al-vusul to katat al-fuhûl. Câmi el-Mutûn min Cüll el-Fünûn. Religion: Mîzân-ül-Hakk fi ikhyar-il-ehak. Ilham al-Mukaddes Min Feyz al-Akdes. Social, cultural and folklore: Tuhfetü al-ahyâr fi el-hikam ve al-ash’âr. Dürer-i müntesira vel gurer-i müntesira. Recmü’r-râcim bi’s-sîn and al-Cim. Commentary on Beyzavi’s Tafsir. Commentary on Muhammadiyya. Code. Tobacco TreatiseDürer-i müntesira vel gurer-i müntesira. Recmü’r-râcim bi’s-sîn and al-Cim. Commentary on Beyzavi’s Tafsir. Commentary on Muhammadiyya. Code. Tobacco TreatiseDürer-i müntesira vel gurer-i müntesira. Recmü’r-râcim bi’s-sîn and al-Cim. Commentary on Beyzavi’s Tafsir. Commentary on Muhammadiyya. Code. Tobacco Treatise
EVLIYA CELEBI 1611-1682 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Seyahatname “Travel ya Resulallah” Seyahatname is a very famous travel book written by Evliya Çelebi in the 17th century. It consists of 10 volumes. The events followed with a realistic eye were written in a simple and clear, and sometimes fantastical narrative, in a way that the public could understand, and the idioms were used a lot in a way that the public could understand. Folk etymology is also abundant. Evliya Çelebi describes the places he has visited and seen in his Seyahatname in his own style. Evliya Çelebi’s 10-volume Travelogue contains very important information about all the countries he has seen and visited. In this respect, the work has an important place in the history of Turkish culture and travel literature.
NIYAZI MISRI 1618-1693 Anatolia Malatya Turkey Sufi This world was a copy for the science of Hakk, but in the original copy, this Adam was a point, but Turkish Works: 1. Divan. 2. Magazines Süleymaniye Küt. Reşid Ef. Magazine number 1218. Bursa Sultan Orhan Küt. Journal no. 690 called “Mecmua‐i Kelimât‐ı Kudsiyye”. 3. Treatises. Risâle‐i Devriyye, Risâle‐i Es’ile ve Ecvibe‐i Sufi, Risâle‐i Eşrâtü’s‐Saat, Tabirnâme, Risâle‐i Haseneyn, Risâle‐i Hızriyye, Risâle‐i Arşiyye, Vahdetnâme, Risâle i Nokta, Akîdetü’l-Misrî, Risale fî Devrân-ı Sofiye, Etvâr-ı Seb’a, 4. Commentaries. Şerh‐i Esmâ‐i Hüsnâ, Şerh‐i Nutk‐i Yunus Emre, 5. Letters. 6. Other Works and Treatises Said to Belong. Lübbü’l-Lüb and Sırru’s-Sır, Treatise on the Almighty’s All-Encompassing, Elğâz-ı Sofiye, Risale fi l-vâkıât fi’l-fatihati’ş-şerîfe‐,Risâle-i usûl-i sect, Usûl-i sect and pseudonymous truth, Commentary on couplets of Eşrefoğlu Rumi, Commentary on a couplet, Treatise on Tafsir-i prayer, Ahvâl-ı tarikat-ı Hak, Tuhfetü’I and Tuhfetü’l-Müştâk, El-levâyih iî suâl-i Şeyh Mısri, Treatise on how the sun rises from the Maghrib, Risale‐i îman‐i imitation and analysis, Ta’bîr‐i sada‐yi nakûs, Risale‐i description l‐ecsâm ve’l‐erham, Risale‐i târîhiyye, Juz‐i la yetecezza, 7. His Commentaries. Tafsîr-i sûre-i Yusuf, Tafsîr-i inna eradna’l-emanete, Tafsîr-i lem yekunillezine keferû‐, Allâhu nûru’s semâvâti ve’l-ard—, Tafsîr-i âyet‐ızâ , Tafsîr-i âyat-i innallahe, Arabic Works. Mevâidü’l-irfân, Devre-i Arşiyye, Tesbî-i Kaside-i Bür’e (Burde), Tafsîr-i Fâtihatü’l-Kitâb, Mecalis.Commentary on a couplet, treatise on Tafsir-i dua, Ahvâl-ı tarîkat-ı Hak, Tuhfetü’I-Uşşak and Tuhfetü’l-Müştâk, El-levâyih ii suâl-i Şeyh Mısri, Treatise on how the sun rises from the Maghrib Imitation of belief and its verification, Ta’bir-i sada-yi nâkûs, Risâle-i fi tatiti’l-ecsâm ve’l-erham, Risâle-i târîhiyye, Juz-i la yetecezzâ, 7. His Commentaries. Tafsîr-i sûre-i Yusuf, Tafsîr-i inna eradna’l-emanete, Tafsîr-i lem yekunillezine keferû‐, Allâhu nûru’s semâvâti ve’l-ard—, Tafsîr-i âyet‐ızâ , Tafsîr-i âyat-i innallahe, Arabic Works. Mevâidü’l-irfân, Devre-i Arşiyye, Tesbî-i Kaside-i Bür’e (Burde), Tafsîr-i Fâtihatü’l-Kitâb, Mecalis.Commentary on a couplet, treatise on Tafsir-i dua, Ahvâl-ı tarîkat-ı Hak, Tuhfetü’I-Uşşak and Tuhfetü’l-Müştâk, El-levâyih ii suâl-i Şeyh Mısri, Treatise on how the sun rises from the Maghrib Imitation of belief and its verification, Ta’bir-i sada-yi nâkûs, Risâle-i fi tatiti’l-ecsâm ve’l-erham, Risâle-i târîhiyye, Juz-i la yetecezzâ, 7. His Commentaries. Tafsîr-i sûre-i Yusuf, Tafsîr-i inna eradna’l-emanete, Tafsîr-i lem yekunillezine keferû‐, Allâhu nûru’s semâvâti ve’l-ard—, Tafsîr-i âyet‐ızâ , Tafsîr-i âyat-i innallahe, Arabic Works. Mevâidü’l-irfân, Devre-i Arşiyye, Tesbî-i Kaside-i Bür’e (Burde), Tafsîr-i Fâtihatü’l-Kitâb, Mecalis.Risale‐i îman imitation and its verification, Ta’bir‐i sada‐yi nâkûs, Risale‐i fi tatiti’l‐ecsâm ve’l‐erham, Risâle‐i târîhiyye, Juz‐i la yetecezzâ, 7. His Commentaries . Tafsîr-i sûre-i Yusuf, Tafsîr-i inna eradna’l-emanete, Tafsîr-i lem yekunillezine keferû‐, Allâhu nûru’s semâvâti ve’l-ard—, Tafsîr-i âyet‐ızâ , Tafsîr-i âyat-i innallahe, Arabic Works. Mevâidü’l-irfân, Devre-i Arşiyye, Tesbî-i Kaside-i Bür’e (Burde), Tafsîr-i Fâtihatü’l-Kitâb, Mecalis.Risale‐i îman imitation and its verification, Ta’bir‐i sada‐yi nâkûs, Risale‐i fi tatiti’l‐ecsâm ve’l‐erham, Risâle‐i târîhiyye, Juz‐i la yetecezzâ, 7. His Commentaries . Tafsîr-i sûre-i Yusuf, Tafsîr-i inna eradna’l-emanete, Tafsîr-i lem yekunillezine keferû‐, Allâhu nûru’s semâvâti ve’l-ard—, Tafsîr-i âyet‐ızâ , Tafsîr-i âyat-i innallahe, Arabic Works. Mevâidü’l-irfân, Devre-i Arşiyye, Tesbî-i Kaside-i Bür’e (Burde), Tafsîr-i Fâtihatü’l-Kitâb, Mecalis.Circuit-i Arşiyye, Tesbî-i Kasîde-i Bür’e (Burde), Tafsîr-i Fâtihatü’l-Kitâb, Mecalis.Circuit-i Arşiyye, Tesbî-i Kasîde-i Bür’e (Burde), Tafsîr-i Fâtihatü’l-Kitâb, Mecalis.
KOÇİ BEY -1650 Rumeli Görice Albania Politics Go back to the era of Suleiman! Kochi Bey treatise
ITRI 1640-1712 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Composer “Tut-i miracleguyem, what I say is not a word” Works: Itri’s Neva Kar is accepted as the most competent work of the Classical Turkish Music repertoire. The modal transitions, the richness and originality of the melodies have made this work a masterpiece. Kar’s words belong to the famous Iranian poet Hafız-ı Şîrâzî. “Tûti-i miracle-guy”, which is also Segâh Yuruk Semaisi, is a well-known and vocalized work. The lyrics of the work are Nefi’s. No work of Itri in small form (song, folk song, köçekçe, etc.) has survived to the present day. All of the works are in large forms. Very important works of religious music also belong to Itri. Among them, Segah Bayram Takbir, Segah Salat-ı Ummiye, Friday Salat, Dilkeş-haveran Night Salah, Rast Mevlevi “Na’t-ı Mevlana” are famous all over the Islamic World. Other works:Only 4 of Itri’s remaining non-religious works are instrumental pieces (3 peşrev, 1 saz semaisi), the others are always verbal, that is, they have lyrics. His segah yürük semai composition and Kár in the neva maqam on the lyrics of Hafız from Shiraz called Gülbün-i ıyş midemed saki gülizar kü? Itrî also served as the Captive Kethüda of the empire in 1640 and raised a Pear variety he named Mustafabey. His tomb is in Edirnekapı Martyrs’ Cemetery. A detailed study was conducted by Recep Uslu, published in 2015, on how he made a living or making a living so far.that is, they have lyrics. Among them, Nefi’s segah yürük semai composition on the lyrics that starts with “Tut-i miracleguyem is no joke” and Hafız’s Gülbün-i ıyş stomachmed saki gülizar kü? (Where is the amusement garden greening, rose cheeked saki? ?), Kár is very well known in the neva maqam. Itrî also served as the Captive Kethüda of the empire in 1640 and raised a Pear variety he named Mustafabey. His tomb is in Edirnekapı Martyrs’ Cemetery. A detailed study was conducted by Recep Uslu, published in 2015, on how he made a living or making a living so far.that is, they have lyrics. Among them, Nefi’s segah yürük semai composition on the lyrics that starts with “Tut-i miracleguyem is no joke” and Hafız’s Gülbün-i ıyş stomachmed saki gülizar kü? (Where is the amusement garden greening, rose cheeked saki? ?), Kár is very well known in the neva maqam. Itrî also served as the Captive Kethüda of the empire in 1640 and raised a Pear variety he named Mustafabey. His tomb is in Edirnekapı Martyrs’ Cemetery. A detailed study was conducted by Recep Uslu, published in 2015, on how he made a living or making a living so far.Among these, Nefi’s segah yürük semai composition, which begins with the phrase “Tut-i miracleguyem, what I say is not a word”, and Hafız’s song Gülbün-i ıyş midemed saki gülizar kü?(The amusement garden is greening, where is the rose-cheeked saki?) Kár is very well known in the position of neva. Itrî also served as the Captive Kethüda of the empire in 1640 and raised a Pear variety he named Mustafabey. His tomb is in Edirnekapı Martyrs’ Cemetery. A detailed study was conducted by Recep Uslu, published in 2015, on how he made a living or making a living so far.Among them, Nefi’s segah yürük semai composition, which begins with the phrase “Tut-i miracleguyem, what I say is not a word”, and Hafız’s song Gülbün-i ıyş midemed saki gülizar kü?(The amusement garden is greening, where is the rose-cheeked saki?) Kár is very well known in the position of neva. Itrî also served as the Captive Kethüda of the empire in 1640 and raised a Pear variety he named Mustafabey. His tomb is in Edirnekapı Martyrs’ Cemetery. A detailed study was conducted by Recep Uslu, published in 2015, on how he made a living or making a living so far.His tomb is in Edirnekapı Martyrs’ Cemetery. A detailed study was conducted by Recep Uslu, published in 2015, on how he made a living or making a living to date.His tomb is in Edirnekapı Martyrs’ Cemetery. A detailed study was conducted by Recep Uslu, published in 2015, on how he made a living or making a living to date.
ISMAIL HAKKI BURSEVİ 1652-1725 Rumeli Aydos, Bulgaria Bulgarian Scholar, Sufi, Poet, Hafiz, Composer and Calligrapher, Commentator and the Greatest Commentator of Mevlana’s Mesnevi. The number of his works is 136. Bursevî, one of the sheikhs of the Halvetiye sect who gained fame in the field of Sufism despite having deep knowledge in Islamic sciences and having produced many works, is the author of the famous Arabic Qur’an commentary called Ruhu’l-Beyan. The translation of the tafsir from the original Arabic into Turkish and its publication is done by Erkam Publications. All Artifacts and Features. An Arabic Qur’an commentary called Ruhu’l-Beyan. SOUL DECLARATION (H.1117) Printed (16 volumes), ŞERHİ MUHAMMEDİYE (H.1107) Printed (3 volumes), ŞERHÜL MASNEVİ (1116) Printed (3 volumes), ŞERHİ PENDİ ATTAR (1136) Printed (2 volumes), ŞERHİ BOSTAN, EL FARUK Printed, HADITH-I ERBAIN ANNOUNCEMENT (1088) Printed,OTHER AVAILABLE (1137) with TEMAMÜL FEYZ Calligraphy, with KİTABÜL KEBİR (1133) Calligraphy, with NAKDÜL HAL (1134) Calligraphy, with RİSAATÜL CAMIA (1114) Calligraphy, VİRDİYYE, ŞERHİ ŞİABÜL İMAN Printed, SCIENTIFIC HADITH, RISALAZESİ Elyaz -I HAMSİ İLAHİ, VESILETÜL MERAM, KENZİ MAHFİ (11134) Printed, ŞERHİ NAZMİ HAYRETİ, SİLSİLE NAME (1131) Manuscript, MÜZULÜL AHSAN (1134) Manuscript, ŞERHÜL KEBAHİR (1116) Manuscript, BOOK MÜTEFER ŞİRKAT TAULLIK, Manuscript, KADİ (1127) Manuscript, KITABÜL NETICE (1137) Manuscript, ŞERHUL ADAP Manuscript, HAŞİYE ALA SURETIN NEBE (1137) Manuscript (3 c.), NUHBETÜL OPINION ANNOUNCEMENT (1137) Manuscript (3 c.), ŞERHİ GAZALİ BAYRAMİYYE, ŞERHİ GAZA YUNUS, HAYATUL BAL (1135) Manuscript, KITABÜL ENVAR LI AVAZ PAŞA, SULUKÜL MÜLÜK (1137) Manuscript, HÜCCETÜL BALIĞA (1137) Manuscript, MECMUATÜL ESRAR (1131) Manuscript, ŞERHI FIKHI KEMİDANİ Manuscript,KITABUL MIRAD (1130) Manuscript, KITABU NUYHIL BESIR VENEZIR, KITABUL NAHIV, VALIDATUL KÜBRA (1120) Manuscript, EYYÜHEL BÜLBÜL (1116) Manuscript, NUHBETÜN NUHBETÜL HAİF Manuscript, ŞERHİİNABAHÜVİMÜRBÜRD, HAİF MANUFACTURER (1120, SAFİERHI MUKADHÜVİMİRA, İLMÜRA ) Manuscript, KITABÜL HURUFI TEHECCI Manuscript, KITABÜN NECAT (1131) Printed, BOOK ZIKIR VEŞSERAF, ŞERHİ NAZMİ AHMEDİ, TUHFEİ HALİLİYYE, İSMAİLLİİYE (1132) Manuscript, RECEBİYYE, HASSAKİYYE (1137) Manuscript, YASSAKİYYE (1137) Printed, OMRİYYE (1134) Manuscript, BAHRİYYE (1133) Manuscript, HÜSEYNİYYE (1133) Manuscript, BOOK HAKİSSARİH Manuscript, BİADNAMEİ TUBAZADE, RİSALE-İ INI ŞARTIYYE, ŞERHİ NAZMİ SUHUFI Manuscript, ŞERHI NAZMİŞ MISRİ Matbu, ABDİ,MANZUME-İ MİRACİYYE (1121) Manuscript, MIRACNAME, KITABÜTTEVHİD, MESAİLÜL KELAM, ŞERHİ DİBACE-İ KASIDE-İ FARIZİYYE, MÜLTEKA İLENNISF, HAŞİDE-İ VELEDİYYE, MECLİS,ŞERHİ UULİN AŞARA (1110) Manuscript, NECATI TAAM, ZİYA-I MANEVİ, TUHFE-İ NEFSÜL RAHMAN, USULU SEBİYYE (1137) Manuscript, BOOK FAZL VENNEVAL (1132) Manuscript, ES SULÜK, TUHFE-İ ŞEYBİYYE,RİSALE- İ HAYRİYYE, ŞERHİ HADİSİL MU’MIN (1132) Manuscript, RAHATUL RUH, RİSALE-İ MADİYYE, RİSALE-İ EL CEHS VEL İHFA, RİSALETÜN NEVAFİL, ESRARÜL HAC (1137) Manuscript, ŞERHİ LETTEBÜL SHEIKH, Manuscript, RISALETUN ŞERHİ SELATUŞ ŞAFİİN, KELAMÜL HİSAM, RİSALE-İ VAHDETİ VUCUD, TEFSİR BİYEDİKEL NO, VEMA BİSSEFİHA, YA EYYÜHENNAS ŞERHİ İCAZETNAMEİ BI MAVI, ŞERHİ İCAZETNALİVAHDETİ VUCUD, TEFSİR BİSSEFİHA, YA EYYÜHENNAS ŞERHİ İCAZETNAMEİ Bir MAVİ, ŞERHİ İCAZETNALİVAHDETİ VUCUD, TEFSİR BİSSEFİHA, 112. Manuscript,RISALETÜN İMAN,NESAYİHİ LİSEYYİDİ ALİ,KİTABÜL HİTAB (1130) Printed (3rd c.),TEFASİRÜL MÜNTEHİBE (1100) Manuscript,will testament Printed,KİTABÜ İZZİL ADEMİ (1135) Manuscript,RİSALE-İ BERKİYMA (1132) ManuscriptŞERHİ KELAM MUHİDDİN, MECMUA Manuscript, HADITH-I ERBAIN (1137) Manuscript, MECMUA-I TAHKİKATİ EHADİS Manuscript, ŞERHUL UYUN (1135) Manuscript, LUGATÜN NEBEVİYYE Manuscript
NAİMA 1655-1716 Mesopotamia Aleppo, Syria Syrian History Writer The first Ottoman chronicler Naîmâ’s main work is Ravzatü’l-Hüseyn fî hulâsati ahbari’l-hafikayn, also known as the History of Naîmâ. Naîma, who started his work from 1574 and brought it to 1651; He described the history of an era as well as his social life with this work, which illuminates the inner face of events and contains often simple but witty and valuable details. When this work was completed, it no longer had anything to do with the old manuscripts, but became an expression of Naîmâ’s research and master pen throughout. That is why this great work is known as the History of Naîma. The years that are the subject of Naîmâ History coincide with the weakest times of the Ottoman Empire. Naîma; While presenting those years in front of us with his lively and elegant style, he revealed not only his mastery in historiography, but also his power in his writing.
ERZURUMLU İBRAHİM HAKKI 1703-1780 Anadolu Erzurum Turkey Sufi “Let’s see what my Mevlana is, whatever they are good things” İbrahim Hakkı, who has a researcher and mystical personality, has fifteen works. The most well-known among them are his Divan, also known as İlâhî-nâme, and his book named Marifetnâme. In his book Sefine-i Nûh, İbrahim Hakkı says, “İlâhi-name is my verse and my prose is Marifetname”. The author wrote Marifetnâme as an encyclopedia of sciences. In this work; from astronomy to ethics and creed; from mysticism to philosophy and music; He collected a wide variety of information from religious sciences to physical and medical sciences. At the end of the Marifetnâme, in the verse section written under the title of Giyimnâme, the shapes and meanings of the human body and human limbs are specified, and centuries of experience are used in the descriptions.Marifetnâme was written in 1756, and İlâhî-nâme (Divan) was written in 1754. İbrahim Hakkı was influenced by Niyazî-i Mısrî, one of the 17th century mystics. Because, in his Marifetnâme, he continued the apprentice-master cooperation by taking the Risale-i Devriyesi of Niyazî-i Mısrî exactly.
ŞEYH GALİP 1757-1799 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Divan Literature Poet, Sufi Divan (Poems), Hüsn ü Aşk (Beauty and Love), Şerh-i Cezire-i Mesnevi, Es-Sohbetü’s-Sâfiyye, Zübde-i alem
HAMMAMİZADE İSMAİL DEDE EFENDİ 1778-1846 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Musician Another rose in my heart. Again, joyful conversation, tongue-u-hearted thing, Hüzzam Yuruk Semâi Reh-i Love and adorably arrogant heart, Ferahfezâ Yuruk Semai Tonight I again made nightingales, Hejaz Semai O büt-i nev-edâ, I became addicted, Talaa’ l bedru aleyna
AHMET CEVDET 1822-1895 Rumeli Lofça Bulgarian State and Scientist, Historian, Lawyer, Poet The last sun of the Eastern madrasahs: Since Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, no one should seek a Hamidullah, a Fazlurrahman or an Iqbal in this country. History-i Cevdet: It consists of 12 volumes. It tells the history of the Ottoman Empire between the years 1774-1825. Kisas-i Anbiya and Tevarih-i Hulefa: It consists of 12 parts. It is the most well-known work of Cevdet Pasha. It talks about the history of many prophets, Islamic caliphs, Ottoman sultans until the Second Murad. Tezakir-i Cevdet: He explained the political, social and moral aspects of his period. Ma’ruzat: It was prepared to present the historical and political events between the years 1839-1876 to Sultan Abdulhamid II. Mecelle: It was prepared by a committee under the chairmanship of Ahmed Cevdet Pasha. Divançe-i Cevdet: His poems written in his youth,Sultan II. It was collected in this book by the order of Abdulhamid. Kavaid-i Osmaniye: It is a grammar book written with Keçecizade Fuad Pasha. It is considered the first grammar book of the Turkish language written in Turkish. In addition, Belagat-ı Osmaniye – Kavaid-i Turkey, Calendar-ül Edvar-Miyar-ı Sedad, Adab-ı Sedat fi-İlm-il-Adab, Hülasatül Beyan fi-Te’lifi’l-Kur’an, Asar-ı His works Ahd-i Hamidi, Hilye-i Seadet, Ma’lumat-ı Nafia talk about various subjects.His works named Ma’lumat-ı Nafia talk about various subjects.His works named Ma’lumat-ı Nafia talk about various subjects.
ŞEMSETTİN SAMİ 1850-1904 Rumeli Fraşer, Ioannina, Greece Greek Dictionary, Writer, Encyclopedist Novel: Taaşşuk-ı Talat ve Fitnat, First Turkish Dictionary: Kamus-ı Türki, Dictionary: Kamus-ı Fransevi, Kamus-ı Arabi, Encyclopedia: Kamusul Alam, Theatre: Besa or Ahde Vefa, Gave, Seydi Yahya
ISMAIL GASPIRALI 1851-1914 Rumelia Crimea Russian Intellectual, Educator, Author and Publisher Books: Russkoye Musulmanstvo (Russian Islam) Simfereopol, 1881. Salname-i Türki (Bahçesaray, 1882). Mirat-i Cedid (Bahçesaray, 1882). Hace-i Sıbyan (Bahçesaray, 1884; 3rd ed. 1892; 7th ed. 1898). An Evil Eye on European Civilization (Bahçesaray, 1885). Orders and Privileges on Islam (Bahçesaray, 1885). Russian Geography (Bahçesaray, 1885). Two Bahadır (Bahçesaray, 1886). Kıraat-i Türki (Bahçesaray, 1886; 2nd ed. 1894). Battle of Maişet (Bahçesaray, 1886). Cholera Plague and Its Cure and Darus (Bahçesaray, 1887). Bahtiyar Nazim (Bahçesaray, 1889). Cihanname with Atlas (Bahçesaray, 1889). Civilization of Islam (Bahçesaray, 1889). Garaib-i Adat-i Akvam (Bahçesaray, 1890). Arslan Girl (Bahçesaray, 1894). What is School and Usul-i Cedid? (Bahcesaray,1894) Risale-i Terkib (Bahçesaray, 1894). Russko-vostochnoe Soglashenie (Bahçesaray, 1896). Account. Concise Ilm-i Hesab and Mesa’il-i Hesabiye (Bahçesaray, 1897). Necessary Zakons Every Day (Bahçesaray, 1897). Guide-i Islamiye (Bahçesaray, 1898). Shara’it al-Islam (Bahcesaray, 1897). Guide-i Mu’allimin (Comrade to the Mu’allimleri) (Bahçesaray, 1898). Turkistan Ulema (Bahçesaray, 1901). Mevlud-i Cenâb-ı Hazrat Ali (Bahçesaray, 1900). Body-i Insan (Bahçesaray, 1901). Iranian. Illustrated Journal (Bahçesaray, 1901). Mebadi-yi Temeddun-i Islamiyan-i Rus (Bahçesaray, 1901). Famous Capitals (Bahçesaray, 1901). Usul-i Edeb (Oriental and Western Principles) (Bahçesaray, 1901). Zoraki Tabib (Bahçesaray, 1901). Malumat-i Nafia (Bahçesaray, 1901). Tashih-i Akaidden (Bahçesaray, 1901). Temsilat-i Krilof (Bahçesaray, 1901). Our Neighbors in Asia (Bahçesaray, 1903).The Muslims of Darü-r Kolay (Bahçesaray, 1906). Muslim Congress (Bahçesaray, 1909)
İSMAİL FENNI ERTUGRUL 1855-1946 Rumeli Tırnova Bulgaria Sufi, Philosopher, Writer, Lexicon, Musician, Lyricist and Composer. Not all works of İsmail Fenni Bey have been published. The published works of the author, who has about fifteen unpublished copyright and translation works, are as follows: Lügatçe-i Philosophy (Felsefe Sözlüğü (1927). Maddiyyûn Sect’s İzmihlâli (1928). Vahdet-i Vücûd ve Muhyiddîn-i Arabi (1928). Kitâb-ı İzâle. -i Şükûk (1928), Big Issues in the Small Book (1934), Hakîkat Nurları, Cemiyet-i Tedrisiye-i Islamiye Istanbul 1949, 366 pages The Bankruptcy of Materialism and Islam 1, Simplifying: Abdülhalim Kılıçsoy, Istanbul, 1996, 315 pages, ISBN 9757480592, The Bankruptcy of Materialism and Islam 2, Simplifying: Abdülhalim Kılıçsoy, Istanbul, 1996, 1625 pages, ISBN 9757480606, Vahdet-i Vücûd ve İbn-i Arabi, Human Publications / İbn Arabi Series, 1997, 312 pages,ISBN 975-7732-24-9; Answers to Questions Around the Truths of Faith Jun. Kamil Yılmaz, 1978, 126 pages, Unpublished Works: The Great Philosophers. Hürriyet is the translation of Stuart Mill’s same adb. , The translation of the part of the General History about Turkey, which was published in 24 volumes in 1908. Dürretü’l-Yetime: An Arabic translation of Ibn Mukaffa’s work on morality and decency. Translation from Baron Isfehan. Aesop, Children’s Tales, translated from English. Gülzar-i Emsal, Compilation of fairy tales written in various languages. Ebyât-ı Müntehibe-i Arabiyye, from the Age of Ignorance to the new times. Translation of selected wise couplets from the divans of Arab poets. Telhis-i Usul-i Maliye,Summary of the fiscal method. Translation of Selected Persian Couplets. Translation of Les Essais (The Essays). Ten fasil notes in various makams. Hakîkat-ı Zerafet.
BURSALI MEHMED TAHIR, 1861-1925 Anadolu Bursa Turkey (B. November 22, 1861, Bursa – D. October 28, 1925, Istanbul), Turkish Writer, Researcher, Soldier. Especially Known for “Ottoman Authors” Encyclopedic Source Book Containing Biography and Bibliography. The work continues to be accepted as a basic reference in its field today. HE ATTENDED IN 1908-1912 OTTOMAN ASSEMBLY AS DEPUTY OF BURSA. His nationalist aspect can be understood from his first book, “The Services of the Turks to Science and Fun”, published in 1897, and his interest in Sufism in his biography of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi in 1899. In the following years, he produced works on Islamic scholars of Anatolian origin. His most important work is Ottoman Authors, which he completed in 3 volumes between 1915-1924. The work, which is the product of 30 years of research, was written in 1691 by important Ottoman sheikhs, jurists, poets, historians.It includes biographies of physicians, mathematicians and geographers arranged according to their fields of activity. He mentioned more than 9000 works of these authors and added lists and tables on certain subjects to his work. For today’s Ottoman researchers, despite the shortcomings arising from the conditions of the period and especially the last volume of which could be completed with great financial difficulties, it continues to be a basic source book.remains a basic source book.remains a basic source book.
SAID HALİM PASHA 1864-1921 Africa Cairo Ottoman Empire Grand Vizier Our Depressions and His Recent Works İz Publishing, Depression-ı ictimaimiz- Kubbealtı Sahaf, Said Halim Pasha – All His Works Anka Publications 2003
FİLİBELİ AHMET HİLMİ 1865-1914 Rumelia Plovdiv Bulgaria Mystic and Thinker Ahmed Hilmi’s most famous work is his novel A’mâk-ı Hayâl (The Depths of Dreams). In the work, the belief in Vahdet-i Body is explained with the help of spiritual stories. Apart from these, he also published a humor newspaper named Coşkun Kalender. In addition to his writing, he taught philosophy at Dârü’l-Fünûn. The work in which he wrote his philosophical studies and thoughts, Is it possible to deny God? is the book.
HALIL HALID BEY. 1869-1931 Anadolu Ankara Turkey Educator Halil Halit Bey has many books and articles, both copyrighted and translated. His stay in England for many years provided him with the opportunity to get to know the Western world well, and to closely follow the works against the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic world. given the opportunity. For this reason, he tried to resist the attacks on the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic world by dealing with these issues in most of his works. Besides his articles in local newspapers and magazines, he also maintains this defense with his articles for foreign publications, especially the Times. Halil Halid Bey and his works are met with interest and enthusiasm in the Islamic world and the Western world, as well as in the Ottoman lands. 1. His books. Diary of a Turk/Ruznamesi of a Turk (London, 1903) AC in LondonThis work, published by the Black company, is the first work of Halil Halid Bey published in England and is dedicated to the Scottish orientalist Elias JW Gibb. In the book, the part of the author’s life until he went to England and Turkey of the period are told. The work, which tells the story of the author’s childhood and youth, has fourteen chapters. In the book, the socio-economic situation of Anatolia, Turkish society life, customs and traditions, education, women, II. It contains important information on subjects such as the bureaucracy of the Abdülhamid era and political restrictions. In this book, Halil Khalid tries to analyze groups trying to systematically spread Turkish and Islamophobic policies in England. According to that,The attacks against Turks in England are directed by some journalists, politicians, Christian priests and Britishized Jews who are active in this country. The author draws attention to the fact that “radical” and “big fanatics” in England are united around a common ideal when it comes to Turkey. He states that the ultimate goal of the anti-Turkish group is to end the political independence of the Turks. The Crescent Versus the Cross / The Crescent and Salîb Debate / The Crescent and the Cross Conflict (London, 1907) The work, which was written in London, was published by the Luzac publishing house. It is the most important work of Halil Khalid in which he describes his views on Western imperialism. From the Memoir of Algiers (Cairo 1906), Khalid Bey contains his observations about Algeria, where he went to attend the Congress of Orientalists in 1905.The work, which was published in Füsûl-i Mütenevvia (Istanbul 1908) Ahmet İhsan Printing House, consists of four treatises on the history listed below. The treatises were written in order to benefit from historical experience in solving current problems. Published in four parts; -The Relationship between Islam and Nasraniyet (Istanbul 1908) The work examines the development process of relations between Muslims and Christians since the birth of Islam. -The First Contact of the Turks and the British (Istanbul 1908) It is about the first contacts of the Turks and the British. -The Conquest of Rhodes in the Conquest of Rhodes and the reasons for the conquest of the island of Rhodes. – In the Case of Şehzade Cem, Mes’ele-i Hamiyyet (Istanbul, 1909) tells the story of the struggle for the throne between Şehzade Cem and Bayezid II. Turkish and Arab (Cairo,1912) Evaluating Turkish-Arab relations with their historical, religious, political and social dimensions, the author tried to offer solutions with a realistic approach to the issues that negatively affected the relations of the two communities. Some Berlin Articles (Berlin, 1918) were printed at the Berlin Imperial Press. In the book, there are observations of Halil Halid Bey from the time he went to Germany until 1917. Halil Halid Bey, who spent the war and armistice years in Germany, wrote articles for various magazines and newspapers. Some of his writings include his observations in Germany. Panislamische Gefahr [The Danger of Pan-Islamism] (Berlin 1917). The Turcophobia of the English Imperialists (Bern, 1919). The British Labor And The Orient (Bern, 1919). Turkish Domination and British Cihangir (Istanbul,1922). 2. Translations. Maişetimiz İstihsal (Istanbul 1925) The work, written in English by C. Fines and Pilkington in 1924, was translated by Halil Halid Bey in 1925. The Economy of Everyday Life (istanbul 1926) The Mebâdi of Tacirliği (Istanbul, 1926) The work Halil Halil Bey translated from M. Clark was published by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. Intişâr-ı İslam Tarihi (İstanbul, 1925) The original name of the work, written by TW Arnold, the Arabic teacher of the London Darülfünun, is The Preaching of Islam. The author has studied the history of the spread of Islam, not the events that took place in the history of Islam. 3. Articles. Halil Halid Bey published his articles in Ç.Ş.Z. published with his signature.Halid Bey, who was included in the staff of the Istanbul Darulfünunu in 1922, joined the writers of the Faculty of Theology Journal, which started its publication life in 1926. In this journal, important articles on the ethnography and anthropology of Islamic societies are published. TDV Encyclopedia of Islam volume 15 pages 313-316
İSMAİL HAKKI İZMİRLİ 1869-1946 Anadolu İzmir Turkey Turkish Philosopher and Researcher of History of Religions. Answer to Anglican Church, Ma’ani-i Qur’an, History of Islamic Philosophy, Turkish Philosophers, New Science of Kalam, Usul-i Fiqh Lessons
ELMALILI HAMDİ YAZIR 1870-1942 Anatolian Antalya Turkey Clergyman, Translator, and Calligrapher Who Copyrighted One of the Turkish Qur’an Commentaries. 1. Hak Dini Qur’an Language (Turkish Interpretation of the Qur’an), 2. Metalip and Sect, Tahlil-i Tarih-i Philosophy-Metalib ve Mezahib-Maba’de’t-Tabia ve Philosophy-i Divine ( Translation of Histoire de la philosophie by Paul Janet and Gabriel Seailles.). 3. İrşadü’l Ahlâf fî Ahkâmi’l-Evkâf. Textbook for School of Civil Service. 4. Beyânul-Haq. Articles in Sırat-ı Müstakim and Sebilürreşad journals. Unpublished: A work on Usûl-i Fiqh, a work on Sûrî logic, Hukuk Kamusu (incomplete), Divan (incomplete)
MEHMET AKIF ERSOY 1873-1936 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Book: Safahat (1911) – Contains 44 verses. Political events, mystical feelings, worldly duties are mentioned. The book: On the Süleymaniye Chair (1912) – It begins with the conversations of two people who went to the Süleymaniye Mosque, and continues with a long section on the platform where Traveler Abdürreşit İbrahim is made to speak. Book: The Voices of Hakk (1913) – Ten verses that try to spread the Islamic message to the society. The book: On the Fatih Chair (1914) – It begins with the conversations of two people going to the Fatih Mosque, and continues with the preacher’s long speech. Book: Memories (1917) – Includes Akif’s impressions of the place he traveled and his invocation to God in the face of social disasters. Book: Asım (1924) – It is a one-piece work designed as conversations between Hocazade and Köse Imam. Book: Shadows (1933) – Contains 41 poems written between 1918-1933.Each one carries the traces of the period in which they were written. Book: Safahat (Mass Edition) (first in 1943) – brings together 6 Safahat.
SULTAN GALIYEV 1880-1940 Russia Elimbetova, Bashkortostan Russia Historian, Turcologist Tatar leader and thinker who wanted to unite the Turkic peoples in Central Asia and establish a socialist Turkestan state. He is the father and founder of national communism. If the wind blows from the west, we should not breathe, there is something harmful to us in it, and then there is something that has a western effect even in our Eurasianism and it should be removed.
ADNAN ADIVAR 1882-1955 Rumeli Çanakkale, Gallipoli Turkey Politician, Writer, Historian, Academician and Physician. The First Historian of Science in the History of the Republic: Research and Study, Les Siciences Chez le Turcs Ottomans, Paris, (1939), Science in Ottoman Turks (1943) ISBN 975-14-0456-8, Science and Religion Throughout History (1944) ISBN 975- 14-0315-4. Essays: Daring Steps on the Steep Path of Science, Criticism-Article. An Analysis Experience on Faust, Istanbul, (1939), Bilgi Cumhuriyet News (1945), Stop Think (1950). Crawling in the Pursuit of Truth (1954). Translation. Matters of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell (1935)
YAHYA KEMAL BEYATLI 1884-1958 Rumeli Skopje Macedonia Poet, Writer Our Own Sky Dome (1961), With the Wind of Old Poetry (1962), How to Say Rubais and Khayyam’s Rubais in Turkish (1963), On Literature, Aziz Istanbul (1964), Egil Mountains, Historical Conversations, Political Stories, Political and Literary Portraits, My Childhood, My Youth, My Political and Literary Memories (1972), Letters-Articles, Unfinished Poems, My Dear Father: Postcards from Yahya Kemal to His Father (1998), The Ship Has Been Silent for Fifty Years: Private With His Letters and Correspondence, Yahya Kemal on the 50th Anniversary of His Death, Spring in Eren Village
ZEKİ VELİDİ TOGAN 1890-1970 Russia Sterlitamak, Bashkortostan Russia Historian Works: Today’s Turkestan and Its Near Past, El-Matbaatü’l-Arabiyye ve El-Matbaatü’l-İtimad, Cairo, 1929, Introduction to General Turkish History, İsmail Akgün Printing House, Istanbul, 1946, Documents of Horezm Culture Part 1, Istanbul University Faculty of Letters, Istanbul, 1951, Oguz Epic Reşideddin Oguzname, Translation and Analysis, Kayı Publications, Istanbul, 1972
SÜHEYL ÜNVER 1898-1986 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Art Historian His main works: Uyghur Medicine, 1936, The Position of Turkish Physicians in Islamic Medicine and Avicenna’s Turkishness, 1937, Anatolian Principalities and our history of medicine, 1938. Snake remzi and Seljuk Medicine, 1939. Medicine in the Seljuk Period, 1940. “Selçuk Tababeti”, Turkish Historical Society Publications, Ankara, 1940. Researches about Mahya, 1940. “History of Medicine”, Istanbul University Press, 1943. Fatih Era Album in terms of Science and Art, 1943. Notes on the History of Turkish Ophthalmology, 1946. Painter Nigari, 1946. Fatih Complex and Time Science Life, 1946. Ali Kuşçu, 1948. Fatih Period Foods, Istanbul University Institute of Medical History, 1952. Calligrapher Ahmed Karahisari, 1964. 56 Turkish Motifs, 1967. Our Coffeehouses and Furniture, 1967. Istanbul Observatory, 1972. Istanbul Treatises, 5 volumes, 1995-96.
PEYAMİ SAFA 1899-1961 Rumeli Istanbul Ottoman Empire Story And Novelist, Thinker, Newspaper WriterTurkish Writer. The Author Using the Pseudonym of Server Bedi. Besides his novels, he is also known for his intellectual works, polemics, columnist and journalism. Analysis – Essay: Perspectives on the Turkish Revolution (1938), Great European Survey (1938), Philosophical Depression (1939), Nation and Human (1943), Mahutlar (1959), Mysticism (book) (1961), Nationalism (book) (1961) ), Socialism (book) (1961), East-West Synthesis (1963), Art-Literature-Tenkid (1970), Ottoman Turkish-Turkish-Foundation (1970), Socialism-Marxism-Communism (1971), Religion-Revolution-Reaction (1971), Women-Love-Family (1973), Writers-Artists-Celebrities (1976), Education-Youth-University (1976), 20th Century-Europe and Us (1976),
HİLMİ ZİYA ÜLKEN 1901-1974 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Thinker Studies in Sociology and Philosophy: Public Social Affairs (1931), Love Morality (1931), History of Turkish Contemplation (1933-1934), Human Patriotism (1933), Turkish Philosophers Anthology (1935), Introduction to Turkish Mysticism (1935), History of Social Doctrines (1940), Ziya Gökalp (1942), Religious Sociology (1943), Conversations with the Devil (1943), Islamic Thought (1946), Morality (1946), Nation and History Consciousness (1948) ), Problems of Sociology (1953), Inheritance and Society (1957), Refusal of Historical Materialism (1958), History of Contemporary Thought in Turkey (1966), Philosophy of Education (1968), Islamic Philosophy (1969), Being and Being (1969) , Knowledge and Value. A Matter of Soul and Body.
OMER LUTFU BARKAN 1902-1979 Rumeli Edirne Turkey Economic History: Ömer Lütfi Barkan’s; Starting from 1935, he has more than 150 articles published in journals such as Political Sciences, School of Political Sciences, Ülkü, Turkish Law and Economic History Journal, Istanbul University Law Faculty Journal, Economics Faculty Journal, Foundations Journal, Belleten and Belgeler. Although the number of books among them is few, most of those published as articles are in book size. Although an attempt was made to publish his articles collectively after his death, only those related to the land issue were collected in a volume called the Collected Works of Land Issue in Turkey. In addition to these, “Legal and Financial Principles of Agricultural Economy in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th Centuries I: Laws, Economic History Lecture Notes,He has works called Istanbul Foundations Tahrir Book, which he published together with Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi.
ORHAN ŞAİK GÖKYAY 1902-1994 Anadolu Kastamonu, İnebolu Turkish Literature History and Language Researcher, Poet, Teacher SIMPLIFICATION-EDITING: Dede Korkut (1938). Dede Korkut Tales in Today’s Language (1939) . The Book of My Dede Scared (1973). Katip Çelebi Life, Personality, Works (1957) . Selections from Katip Çelebi (1938) . Kabusname (1944, translation from Keykavus by Mercimek Ahmed). Eşkal-i Zaman (1969, from Ahmet Rasim). Ferah-Cerbe Conquest (1975, from Zekeriyazade). Mevâ-idü’n Nefâis fi Kavaidi’l Mecâlis (Feast Tables on Etiquette and Social Rules). (2 volumes, 1978, from Mustafa Âli of Gallipoli). Halatu’l Cairo mine’l Adâti’-z Zahire (1984). CRITICISM: Those Who Enter the Unstable Bond (1982)
HÜSEYİN NAMIK ORKUN 1902-1956 Works: The Pechenegs, 1933. Atilla and His Sons, 1933. About the Oghuzs, 1935. The Huns, 1938. Byzantine Sources of Turkish History, 1938. The Origin of the Ottomans, 1939. Spies in Hungary and Austria during the Turkish Invasion Period, 1939. The Original Turkish Word, 1940. Old Turkish Inscriptions (4 volumes), 1936-1941. Prince Kalyanamkara and Papamkara’s Story in Uighur, 1940. Turkish Legends, 1943. Turks on Earth, 1944. History of Turkism 1944. Turkish History (4 volumes), 1946. History of Domestic Animals in Old Turks, 1954
NECIP FAZIL KISAKÜREK 1904-1983 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Thinker’s Works: Spider Web (1925), Sidewalks (1928), Me and Beyond (1932), A Few Stories, A Few Analysis (1933), Seed (1935), Expected (1937), Creating a Man (1938) ), Imprint (1938), Patience Stone (1940), Namık Kemal (1940), Frame (1940), Money (1942), Homeland Poet Namık Kemal (1944), Defense (1946), Halkadan Glares (From the Parents’ Army) (1948) ), Nam (1949), Desert Descending Nur (Unauthorized Repression) (1950), 101 Hadiths (Supplement to the Great East in 1951) (1951), I Tear Your Mask (1953), The Caravan of Eternity (1955), Cinnet Mustatili ( From the Serpentine Well) (1955), Selections from Letters (1956), Symphony to the Horse (1958), TOWARDS the Great East (Ideolocya Weave) (1959), Golden Ring (Silsile) (1960), That’s Why We Are (Nur that Descends to the Desert) (1961), Sile (1962), Communism with All Its Fronts (1962), Communism and Village Institutes in Turkey (1962),Wooden Mansion (Buyuk Doğu’s supplement in 1964) (1964), Reis Bey (1964), The Man in the Black Cloak (Big Doğu’s annex in 1964) (1964), Hazrat (1964), Faith and Action ( 1964), Stories from Soul Cracks (1965), The Great Door (He and Me) (1965), Ulu Hakan II. Abdulhamid Han (1965), One Sparkle, One Thousand Lights (1965), The Great Oppressed Throughout History I (1966), The Great Oppressed Throughout History II (1966), Addition to the Great Gate (From the Chieftain Parents) (1966), Two Addresses: Hagia Sophia / Mehmetçik (1966), El Mevahibü’l Ledüniyye (1967), Vahiduddin (1968), Ideolocya Knitting (1968), Turkey’s Landscape (1968), What I Heared from the Servant of God I (1968), What I Heard from the Servant of God II (1968), The Prophet Ring (1968), 1001 Frame 1 1968), 1001 Frame 2 (1968), 1001 Frame 3 (1968), 1001 Frame 4 (1968), 1001 Frame 5 (1968), My Plays (Ulu Hakan/Yunus Emre/SP Adam) (1969), My Defenses (1969),The Oppressed of Religion of the Last Age (1969), Socialism, Communism and Humanity (1969), My Poems (1969), Meander in My Eyes (1970), Janissaries (1970), Bloody Turban (1970), My Stories (1970), Blend of Nur (1970), Reşahat (1971), Script Novels (1972), Muscovy (1973), Hazrat (1973), Esselam (1973), Hac (1973), Çile (Final Tertib) (1974), Rabita (1974), Başbuğ Veliden 33 (Altun) Silsile) (1974), Him and Me (1974), The Sublime Porte (1975), Addresses (1975), Holy Trust (1976), Revolution (1976), False Heroes (1976), 333 from the Army of the Guardians (Glitters from the Ring) (1976) ,Report 1 (1976),Report 2 (1976),Our Way, Our Situation, Our Remedy (1977),Report 3 (1977),İbrahim Ethem (1978),The Perverted Arms of the TRUE Path (1978),Report 4 (1979),Report 5 (1979),Report 6 (1979),The Lie in the Mirror (1980),Report 7 (1980),Report 8 (1980),Report 9 (1980),Report 10 (1980),Report 11 (1980),Report 12 (1980) ),Report 13 (1980),Atlas of Faith and Islam (1981), Western Contemplation and Islamic Sufism (1982), Gardens of Sufism (1983), Head Paper (1984), Reckoning (1985), The World Awaits a Revolution (1985), Believer (1986), Anger and Satire (1988), Frame 2 (1990), Speeches (1990), My Editorials 1 (1990), Frame 3 (1991), Offense and Polemic (1992), My Editorials 2 (1995), My Editorials 3 (1995), Frame 4 (1996) ),Literary Courts (1997),Frame 5 (1998), Accounting of Events 1 (1999), Tip (2000), Waiting, BayramFramework 5 (1998), Accounting of Events 1 (1999), The Trick (2000), Waiting, BayramFramework 5 (1998), Accounting of Events 1 (1999), The Trick (2000), Waiting, Bayram
NURETTİN TOPÇU 1909-1975 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Author, Academician and Intellectual Works: Turkey’s Education Case, Rebellion Ethics, Tomorrow’s Turkey, Islam and Human, Moral Order, The Case of Will, Mehmet Akif, Philosophy, Great Conquest, Bergson, American Letters Thinking Man Among You, Morality, State and Democracy, Sociology, Nation Mystics, Psychology, Logic, Mevlana and Sufism, Reha, Culture and Civilization, Provincial, Philosophy of Existence, Philosophy of Movement, Existence
KEMAL TAHIR 1910-1973 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Novelist, Thinker Notes / K. Tahir Foundation Studies: Prison Notes Before 1950, Poems Before 1950; Letters to Ziya İlhan, Westernization, Depression, Book Notes, Letters, Notes / Ottomanism / Byzantine, Novel Notes 1; Lame Kasırga / The Shattered State, Novel Notes 2; Western Impasse, Novel Notes 3; Patriyot Ömer / Gülen Torment Dead End, Art literature 1, Art literature 2, Art literature 3, Art literature 4, Socialism, Society and Reality
SABRI ULGENER 1911-1983 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Sociologist “Mindset, Intellectuals and Izmler” (Mayaş Publications, 1983), “The Moral and Mentality World of Economic Dissolution” (Der Publications, 1981), “Scarcity Depressions and Islamic Economic Politics” (Mayaş Publications, 1984) , and “Mentality and Religion”, we can count among the works that he tries to analyze and explain the economic and political situation of Turkey by using the morality of Islam (or with a Muslim sensitivity), the language and culture of positivism and Western Modernism, philosophy and the rhetoric of economics; “Mentalness, Intellectuals and Izmler” (Mayaş Publications, 1983), “The Moral and Mentality World of Economic Dissolution” (Der Publications, 1981), “Scarcity Depressions and Islamic Economic Politics” (Mayaş Publications, 1984), and “Mentity and Religion” What Ülgener left behind are scientific works, each of which is worth reading.
AYDIN SAYILI 1913-1993 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey History of Science harvard, there is a picture on the banknote Aydın Sayılı is one of the memorial stones raised by Turkey. He was born on May 2, 1913, in Istanbul. Some of his works are: 1- Copyright Books: a) Science is the Most Genuine Guide in Life, b) Observatory in Islam and Its General Place in the History of the Observatory, c) The Letter of Uluğ Bey and Gıyasüd-i Kaşi About Science Activities in Samarkand, d) The Writing of Abdulhamid Ibn Turk on Logical Necessities in Impure Equations and the algebra of the time, e) Mathematics among the Egyptians and Mesopotamians, f) Copernicus and his Monumental Work, g) Beyruni in the Thousand Year of Birth, h) Turks and Science. 2- The books he edited. a) Ebu Nasr’i Farabi’s article on still = Farabi’s Article on Vacuum. b) Nikola Copernicus. c) As the language of Science, Culture and Teaching.d) Gift to Beyruni. e) Avicenna’s Thousand Anniversary Gift
HALIL INALCIK 1916-….. Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Historian Major works: The Ottoman Empire, The Classical Age, 1300-1600, London, 1974. Studies in Ottoman social and economic history, London, 1985. The Middle East and the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire , Bloomington, 1993. Süleyman the second and his time, Istanbul, 1993. An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire (with Donald Quataert), Cambridge, 1994. From empire to republic: essays on Ottoman and Turkish social history, Istanbul , 1995. Sources and studies on the Ottoman Black Sea, Cambridge, 1995. History of Humanity (editor, with Peter Burke), 1999. Ottoman Civilization (with Gunsel Renda), Ankara, 2003. Essays in Ottoman History, Eren Publishing . Articles 1: Doğu Batı, Doğu Batı Publications, 2005. Studies and documents on the period of Fatih, Ankara, 1954.State, Law, Justice in the Ottoman Empire, Eren Publishing, 2000. Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire Vol 1 /1300-1600, Eren Publishing, Prof. Dr. With Donald Quataert, 2001. Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire Vol 2 / 1600-1914, Eren Publishing, 2004. Ottoman Empire – Society and Economy, Eren Publishing. Ottoman Empire Classical Age (1300-1600), Yapı Kredi Publications, 2003. Tanzimat and Bulgarian Issue, Eren Publishing. US History, Allan Nevins/Henry Steele Commager (translation) East West Press, 2005. Poet and Patron, East West Press, 2003. The Balkans (with Prof. Dr. Erol Manisalı). Atatürk and Democratic Turkey, Red Publishing, 1st Edition: July 2007 – 2nd Edition: December 2007. State-i Aliyye, 2009. Establishment – Rewriting Ottoman History, Tanzimat,The Ottoman Empire in the Process of Change (with Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu) İşbank Cultural Publications, 2011. OTTOMANS, Fütühat and Relations with Europe, Has-Bağçede ‘Ayş u Tarab – Nedimler Poets Mutrips, İş Bankası Cultural Publications, 2011. Ottoman in the Establishment and Empire Process, The Ottomans, 2010. The Ottomans in the Establishment and Empire Process, 2011. Renaissance Europe Turkey’s Identification Process with Western Civilization, İşbank Cultural Publications, 2011. Ottoman and Modern Turkey, Timaş Publications, 2013. Devlet-i ‘Aliyye: Tagayyür and Fesad, Ottoman Researches on the Empire II, İşbank Cultural Publications, 2014.The Ottomans, 2010. The Ottomans in the Establishment and Empire Process, 2011. Renaissance Europe, Turkey’s Identification Process with Western Civilization, İşbank Cultural Publications, 2011. Ottoman and Modern Turkey, Timaş Publications, 2013. Devlet-i ‘Aliyye: Tagayyür and Fesad, Ottoman Researches on the Empire II, İşbank Cultural Publications, 2014.The Ottomans, 2010. The Ottomans in the Establishment and Empire Process, 2011. Renaissance Europe, Turkey’s Identification Process with Western Civilization, İşbank Cultural Publications, 2011. Ottoman and Modern Turkey, Timaş Publications, 2013. Devlet-i ‘Aliyye: Tagayyür and Fesad, Ottoman Researches on the Empire II, İşbank Cultural Publications, 2014.
CEMIL MERIC 1916-1987 Rumeli Komotini Greece Thinker Turkish intellectuals flee from the country as if fleeing a fire. No, it’s like escaping a dirty room… 1963 Turkey is a hundred times freer than the Voltaires’ France. Where are the Voltaires? “Poor Turkish intelligentsia! Who didn’t he follow? He recognized enemies as friends and friends as enemies. He considered an Efgani who did not dare to mention the name of the Prophet as worthy of respect as the Prophet.” His Major Works/ Analysis: Indian Literature (1964), Saint Simon First Sociologist, First Socialist (1967), On the Verge of a World (1976), Light Comes from the East (1984), Culture to Knowledge (1985). Essay: Those in the Cave (1978), This Country (1974, 1985), From Umran to Civilization (1974), Journal, Journal I (1992), Journal II (1994), Other Books: Kırk Ambar (1980), The Story of a Disaster (1981) , Sociology Notes and Lectures (1993)
SEMAVI EYİCE 1922-…… Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Historian (Byzantine) Some of his works: Istanbul Minarets, Late Byzantine architecture, Galata and its Tower, Bosphorus in the Byzantine Era, Notes from Old Istanbul, Istanbul Throughout History, Ataturk and Pietro Canonica, Bursa, With Photographs Fatih Monuments (with M.Tunay-B.Tanman), Istanbul Petit Guide, Istanbul: Archaeological Surveys in the City of Domes, Karadağ and Karaman, Semavi Eyice Gift: Istanbul Writings.
BAHAEDDIN OGEL 1923-1989 Anatolian Elazig Turkey Cultural Historical Artifacts: Traces of Altai-Turkish Monuments in Erzurum Monuments, Erz. People’s House spring., Erz. 1947. History of Turkish Culture Before Islam (According to Central Asian Sources and Finds), TTK spring., Ankara 1962. History of Uyghurs and Uyghurs (Lecture Notes), Ankara 1962. Sino-Turcica (Cengiz Khan and Turkish Counselors of the Dynasty in China) ), Tai-pei 1964. Huns, Göktürks, Uyghurs (Lecture Notes), Ankara 1968. Development Ages of Turkish Culture, Volume I-II, Istanbul 1971. Turkish Mythology (Epics with Sources and Explanations), Volume I-II, History of the Seljuks and Civilization Institute, Ankara 1971. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, cI Village and City Life in Turks, Kultur Bak. Yay.,Ank. 1971. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, c.II Agricultural Culture in Turks, Culture Bak. Yay.,Ank. 1971. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, c.III House Culture in Turks,See Culture. Yay.,Ank. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, c.IV Food Culture in Turks, Culture Bak. Yay.,Ist.-Ank. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, cV The Culture of Dress and Ornament in Turks, Kultur Bak. Yay.,Ist.-Ank. The History of the Great Hun Empire, cI-II, Culture. Yay., Ankara 1982. State Understanding of Turks (Until the end of 13th century), Prime Ministry Bas. House, Ankara 1971. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, c.VI Tug and Flag in Turks, Kultur Bak. Yay.,Ank. 1984. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, c.VII Turks in Ordu, Army and Otağ-Devlet, Kültür Bak. Yay.,Ank. 1984. Eastern Anatolia in Turkish National Unity (Together with the Scientific Committee), Ankara 1985. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, c.VIII State and Army Mehter in Turks, Culture Bak. Yay., Ank 1987. Introduction to the History of Turkish Culture, c.IX Turkish Folk Music Instruments, Culture Bak. Yay., Ank 1986. Development Ages of Turkish Culture, I-II, TDAV spring. , Istanbul 1988.
FUAT SEZGIN 1924-…. Anadolu Bitlis Turkey Islamic History of Science Researcher Publications: Prof. Dr., who has been working on the history of science for more than 60 years. The topics covered by Fuat Sezgin’s masterpiece, Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), in 13 volumes, are: Volume 1, Leiden 1967: Qur’anic sciences, hadith, history, fiqh, kalam and mysticism. (until about 430/1038). Volume 2, Leiden 1975: Literature / Poetry (until ca. 430/1038). Volume 3, Leiden 1970: Medicine, Pharmacology, Zoology, Veterinary (to ca. 430/1038). Volume 4, Leiden 1971: Alchemy, Chemistry, Botany, Agriculture (until ca. 430/1038). Volume 5, Leiden 1974: Mathematics (until ca. 430/1038). Volume 6, Leiden 1978: Astronomy (to ca. 430/1038). Volume 7, Leiden 1979: Astrology,Meteorology and related sciences (until about 430/1038). Volume 8, Leiden 1982: Lexicography (to ca. 430/1038). Vol 9, Leiden 1984: Grammar (until ca. 430/1038). Vol 10, Frankfurt 2000: Mathematical geography and cartography in Islam and its continuation in Europe. Vol 11, Frankfurt 2000: Mathematical geography and cartography in Islam and its continuation in Europe. Vol 12, Frankfurt 2000: Mathematical geography and cartography in Islam and the continuation of these sciences in Europe, maps, § Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, which has been published since 1984, § Fuat Sezgin’s unique history of Islamic sciences Geography, Travel Books of European Travelers, Mathematics and Astronomy, Medicine, Philosophy, Music, Numismatics,His publications of around 1300 volumes in series, including facsimiles of original works written on historiography and classification of sciences and other subjects, and reprints of the works of western scholars who have done research on this subject, § Wissenschaft und, which was prepared by the Institute Museum to show the presentation of its objects and the scientific development in the Islamic cultural environment. Catalog work called Technik im Islam (Science and Technique in Islam).§ The catalog work named Wissenschaft und Technik im Islam (Science and Technique in Islam) prepared by the Institute Museum to show the promotion of its objects and the scientific development in the Islamic cultural environment.§ The catalog work named Wissenschaft und Technik im Islam (Science and Technique in Islam) prepared by the Institute Museum to show the promotion of its objects and the scientific development in the Islamic cultural environment.
KEMAL KARPAT 1924-…. Rumeli Babadağ, Romania Romanian Turkish historian, honorary member of the Turkish Historical Society. His most popular work abroad is Ottoman Population. The book is published by the University of Wisconsin. He is the owner of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Honor Award. Identity and Ideology from the Ottomans to the Present, Politicalization of Islam: Identity, State, Belief and Community Restructuring in the Late Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Past and Today’s Turkey, Ottoman Population (1830-1914) Demographic and Social Characteristics, Ottoman Elites and Religion from the Present to the Present, Change, Modernization and Nationalization in the Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Borderlands: Issues, Personalities, and Political Changes (with Robert Zens), Ottoman Heritage and Nationalism in the Middle East, Ottoman Population 1830-1914. Demographic and Social Characteristics, Evolution of the Political System in Turkey 1876-1980,Ottoman Modernization Society, Institutional Change and Population, Ottoman and the World Ottoman State and Its Place in World History, The River Piercing the Mountain, Elites And Religion, Ottoman Population, Military And Politics From The Ottomans To The Present, Literature And Society From The Ottomans To The Present, Ethnic Structuring From The Ottomans To The Present and Migrations, Identity and Ideology from the Ottomans to the Present, Nation in the Middle East from the Ottomans to the Present, Nationality, Nationalism, History of Turkish Democracy, History of Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish Foreign Policy HistoryTurkish Foreign Policy History
İDRİS KÜÇÜKÖMER 1925-1987 Anadolu Giresun Turkey Economic Works: The Alienation of the Order (It is his most important work. It brings fundamental explanations to the concepts of right and left), Relations between Developed and Underdeveloped Countries (1966), On Economic Principles (1964-1967), Westernization – Alienation of Order (1969), ISBN 975-7696-60-9, Revisiting the Principles of Economics (1972), Memories and Thoughts, ISBN 975-7696-64-1, From Juntaism to Civil Society / Direction and Oath Articles, ISBN 975-7696-59- 5, Civil Society Articles, ISBN 975-7696-61-7, Do People Want Democracy? Final Unfinished Work, ISBN 975-7696-63-3
NERMI UYGUR 1925-2005 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Philosophical Works: The Problem of the Other’s Self in Edmund Husserl, 1958; Turkish Language Institution 1959 Science Award; 1998, , The Power of Language, 1962, 1997, , The Call of Philosophy, 1962, 1995, Worldview, 1963, With the Sun, 1969, 1997, Literature from the Human Perspective, 1969, 1999, Dimensions of Turkish Philosophy, 1974, 1988, 2002, Theory-Action Context : An Analytical Philosophy Essay, 1975, 1996, Philosophy of Physics in Terms of Language, 1979, 1985, Philosophy of Life, 1981, 1998, Theory of Culture, 1984, 1996, Culture of Living From Depression, 1989, 1997, Technique in Contemporary Environment, 1989, 2002, In The Cultural World of the West with Its Outside, 1992, 1998, Taste in My Palate: The Adventures of a Reader-Writer, 1995, 1996; Journalists Association of Turkey 1995 Sedat Simavi Literature Award, Other-Love, 1996, Salkımlar, 1998, From the Bottom, 1999, Without Trial, 1999, İçimin Sesi, 2001,Donkeys, Afternoons, Grownups, 2004 ,
SENCER DİVİTÇİOĞLU 1927-2014 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Economics, Historical Works: Microeconomics (1962), Asian Type of Production and Underdeveloped Countries (1966), Asian Production Style and Ottoman Society/Marxist Production Style Concept (1967; 2003), Das Kapital Variations on it (1969), Value, Production and Distribution (1982), Kök Türkler (1987), Past Future (1991), What Kind of History? (1992), From Oghuz to Seljuks (1994), Establishment of Ottoman Principality (1996), About Medieval Turkish Societies (2001), Central – Asian Turkish Empire VI. – VIII. Centuries (2005), Six Studies on Central-Asian Turkish History (2006), Meta History – Aegean Principalities: Meta History – Egean Beyliks (2008)
SEZAİ KARAKOÇ 1933- …… Anatolian Diyarbakir Turkey Poet, Thinker Thought: Resurrection of the Spirit, Apocalypse Vaccine, Age and Inspiration I-II-III-IV, Resurrection of Humanity, Creed of the Resurrection Generation, Paradise Lost, Resurrection of Islam, Solstice, Resurrection Mushtu ,Islam, The Economic Structure of Islamic Society, Thoughts I-II, Around the Resurrection, Metaphysical Horizons and Beyond I-II-III, Building Blocks and the Call of Our Destiny I-II, Feast on the Milky Way, Forgetting and Remembering, War for Existence, From Contemporary Western Thought , Way of Exit I-II-III, Analysis: Yunus Emre, Mehmed Âkif, Mevlana
MEHMET GENÇ 1934-……….. Anatolia Artvin Turkey Economic History State and Economy in the Ottoman Empire (2000)
OĞUZ ATAY 1934-1977 Anadolu Kastamonu, İnebolu Turkey Novelist Published works: Tutunamayanlar (1972), Dangerous Games (1973), A Scientist’s Novel (1975), Waiting for Fear (1975), Those Who Live with Games (1975), Diary (1987), Actionology (1998)
SÜLEYMAN HAYRİ BOLAY 1937-…….. Anadolu Konya Turkey He is a scholar who devoted his whole life to philosophy. Islamic Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Ottoman Intellectual Life are his Main Fields of Study. His Works: Turkish Thinkers from the Tanzimat to the Present (7 Volumes – 8 Books) (editor), The Struggle of Spiritual and Materialist Views in Turkey, Comparison of Aristotelian Metaphysics and Gazzali Metaphysics, Ferid Kam, Ottoman World of Thought, Dictionary of Philosophy Doctrines and Terms, in Turkish Thought Journeys, Journeys in the World of Philosophy, The Question of the Value of Science
TINAZ TITIZ 1942 Rumeli Istanbul Turkey Turkish Politician. He was born on April 18, 1942 in Istanbul. Graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering in 1963, How Can the Problem Be Solved?, 1990, Say Publications, Ankara; Suppose we are Hindi, 1991, V Publications, Ankara; Alternative Understanding of Politics, 1992, V Publications, Ankara; Eco-Liberal Movement, 1993, Revolution Bookstore, Istanbul; Yes-No Democracy, 1994, Revolution Bookstore, Istanbul; Entrepreneurship, 1995, Revolution Bookstore, Istanbul; Hard Coal in the Context of Privatization, 1995, İnkılap Bookstore, Istanbul; No Memorized, 1996, İnkılap Publishing House, Istanbul; Man is what he eats, 1997, Revolution Bookstore, Istanbul; Roadmap for Roteless Education, 1998, Beyaz publications, Istanbul; Suggestions for Young Entrepreneurs, 1998, İnkılap Bookstore, İstanbul; New Education at School, 2000,Beyaz publications, Istanbul; Entrepreneurship Guide, 2002, Beyaz Publishing, Istanbul; Life Information for Adults, 2004; Way of the Mind 1 + n, 2004; Revenge of Problems: They Solve What Can’t, 2015
ALEV ALATLI 1944-…….. Anadolu İzmir Turkey History of Theology, Thought and Civilization Is There Anyone in Or? series: 1. Viva La Muerte (Long live death) (1992), 2. ‘Nuke’ Turkey (1993)3. Well, You Made Me Eat The Wolf (1993), 4. OK Musti Turkey is OK (1994), 5. White Turks Kustuler (2013), Schrödinger’s Cat: 1. Nightmare (2001), 2. Dream (2001), Following Gogol : 1. Not Enlightenment, Mercy! (2005), 2. World Watch (2007), 3. Eyy Uhnem! Eyy Uhnem! (2008), Review – Essay, Despotism of Aydın (1986), September 1998, A Person Who Should Be able to Say No (2005), When Not Now, Without Commentary, Review: Texts That Orient the West, Texts That Guide Us
KURTULUŞ KAYALI 1949….. Anadolu Kırşehir Turkey Academician, Turkish Intellectual World Road Traces in Turkish Intellectual World (Communication, 1994; 2001, 2003), Army and Politics 27 May – 12 March (Communication, 1994; 2000), Turkish Cinema in the Frame of Directors ( Deniz, 1994), I Wish Everyone Had a Parrot: Essays on Humor 1 (Ayyıldız, 1994), Cinema is a Culture (Alaz, 1998), The Depression of the World of Turkish Thought (Iletisim, 2000), Portraits from the World of Turkish Culture (Communication, 2002), Above Drawn Writings (Product, 2003), Trying to Read Metin Erksan’s Cinema (Dost Kitabevi, 2004), Geography of Thought 1: Thought Isolated from Society and Potential for Resistance (Deniz, 2005), (Editor) A Kemal Tahir Book (İthaki, 2010)
YALÇIN KOÇ (1950- ) Anadolu Tokat Turkey Philosophical WORKS: Fundamentals of Theological Logic, History and Theory & A Study on the Principles of History and Time Writing, Fundamentals of Theological Music, Principles of Theologia & Philosophy and A Study on The Theology, The Anatolian Maya, The Principles of Theographia & A Study on Theology and The Construction of Mathematics, Dialectics and Theory, A Study on Theogonia’s Principles & Genesis Theory
AYHAN BIÇAK (1956 – ) Anadolu Erzincan Turkey Philosophy. Since March 2016, he has been the head of the Department of Philosophy at Istanbul University. Some Publications: History Thought I, History Thought Formation, 2004. Historical Thought II, History and Philosophy, Dergah, 2004. History Thought III, History Philosophy Formation, 2004. History Thought IV, History Metaphysics, 2005. History Science, 1999. The Idea of the State in the Pre-Islamic Turkish Thought, 2004. Turkish Thought 1&2, 2009-2010. Development of Philosophy in Turkey, Anadolu University, 2012[8]
SÜLEYMAN SEYFİ ÖĞÜN 1959 Anatolia Muğla Turkey Turkish Political Scientist. His Published Works: Congregational Nationalism in Turkey and Nurettin Topçu (Istanbul, 1992), Modernity, Nationalism and Turkey (Istanbul, 1995), Nationalism in 99 Questions (Istanbul, 1997), Political Culture Writings (Bursa, 1997), Politikbilim (Ali Yaşar) with Sarıbay) (Bursa, 1998), Turkish Political Culture (Bursa, 2000), Cultural Reflections of Everyday Life (Bursa, 2006), Politics and Culture (Bursa, 2010)
İHSAN FAZLIOĞLU 1966-…………… Anadolu Ankara Turkey Philosophy-Science History, History and Philosophy of Mathematics “In Search of Questions”, Papersense, Istanbul, 2015, “Finding Yourself”, Papersense, Istanbul, 2015, “Derin Yapı”, Papersense, Istanbul, 2015, “On the Verge”, Papersense, Istanbul, 2015, “The Missing Link: The Globe of Meaning in the History of Islam-Turkish Philosophy-Science”, Papersense, Istanbul, 2014, “Smart Turkish Reasonable History”, Papaersense, Istanbul, 2014 , “Searching for Yourself” ”, Papersense, Istanbul, 2014 , “What Does Redundant Mean?”, Papersense, Istanbul, 2014 , “Nasîruddin Tûsî, Tahriru Usuli’L-Hendese Ve’L-Hisab [Euclides’ Book of Elements]”, Turkey Manuscripts Presidency Publications, Istanbul, 2013, “Isk Imis Her Ne Var Alemde / Science Is Bir Kîl Ü Kalim But: What Fuzûlî Means?”, Classic Publications, Istanbul, 2011, “An Introduction to the History of Applied Geometry:El-İkna Fi Ilmi’L-Misaha”, Dergah Publications, İstanbul, 2004, Şeşen R., İzgi C., Akpınar C., “History of Ottoman Astronomy Literature”, IRCICA Publications, İstanbul, 1997
FATIH M. ŞEKER 1975….. Anadolu Mersin Turkey Turkish Intellectual History “Establishment Period of Turkish Intellectual History”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2015; “Turkish Mentality World and Philosophy of Life”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2015;”The Formation Period of Turkish Religious Thought”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2013;”Ottoman Islamic Conception”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2013;”Ottoman Intellectual Tradition”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2013, “Ilmiye in the Era of Modernization: The Example of Cevdet Pasha-Ibnulem”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2011 , “Islamic Conception of Seljuk Turks”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2011, “Kutadgu Bilig in Terms of Turkish Intellectual History”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2011; “Turks’ Conception of Islam in the Process of Islamization”, Türkiye Diyanet Foundation Publications, Ankara, 2010; Kara İ., “An Old Time Master İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal: Kemâlü’L-Kemâl”, Translation, Dergah,Istanbul, 2009; “Ottomans and Wahhabism: Hüseyin Kazım Kadri’s Treatise on Wahhabism”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2007; “Republican Ideology’s Naqshbandi Conception”, Dergah Publications, Istanbul, 2007